New to this community, wanted to check with you all if i should be concerned about the corner crack. Its a new build not sure the reason for the crack what do you guys think we should do any steps to follow. Is this something to worry about ?
Thank You I searched online most of the places suggest its brick expansion that causes it but we do not have any brick infact its still board on top of it so I was concerned why would this happen, do you think it should be cause of concern ?
(Russell Cloyd, KY LIC #166164, IN LIC#HI02300068)
Looks like a common corner crack usually caused when foundation concrete is placed in the forms and then temps drop below freezing. If they did not use insulated blankets on the forms this is common. Not a structural concern simply cosmetic. Leave it alone, if you try to patch it it will look worse.
Thank You that is bit assuring, It was poured in dec 2023 end and Jan 2024 was brutal cold here and for sure it was not covered with blankets i did ask for and was told its not required as concrete mix is good for the weather.
Who ever told you that, didn’t give you the correct information. For the first 24 hours the concrete should generate it’s own heat provided the mix was at or above 60°F at the time of placement AND the ambient temperature didn’t fall below 20°. The following 48 hours are more critical as the concrete will stop producing heat and is still green and will need freeze protection.
I’m seeing multiple cracks in the picture that would indicate impact fractures. More than likely the concrete contractors got aggressive when stripping the aluminum forms and cracked it, then the framing contractor beat the sole plate into place making the crack worse. At this point, I would say to keep an eye on it and take action if it gets worse.