Crack or Cold joint

Looking for your thoughts.
2.5 story 1970’s with basement.
Exposed Foundation at window well.
Crack or Cold joint?
Your thoughts.

I lightened the exposure for your picture Robert so folks can see your question better.


It looks like a cold joint from here…


That’s the way I feel. Concrete is not the same texture.

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That is what I was thinking too Robert. Maybe @mdurante can add to it.

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I agree with the others. Looks like a cold joint to me.

Looks like a cold joint as there’s snow in the picture :rofl:


Really hard to tell from the picture. Based on that, it looks like a cold joint, but would need a better photo to be sure, even though @tglaze lightened the picture up.

@ryoung7 do you have any other pictures of the area?

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No. Overcast day so the natural sun light is low. As well, the image was take in a window well.
I am posting the image again.

On second through I am going with a poorly repaired foundation crack. Above and to the right side it appears someone took a wet concrete slurry to cover/coat the horizontal crack.
foundation crack repair