Crawlspace Jollies

Would have needed an underwater camera.

The house (typical rambler) was built about 18 years ago by owner/builder, as a rental.

Corner lot, below grade to street on 2 sides, lowest point from houses on other 2 sides.

This was last year when we had our 40 days and 40 nights of record rainfall.

Water was getting into the crawl space through the foundation vents, 3" above grade!

From what understand, it took over a day to pump it out!!

It was a dead deal right then and there. Buyer wanted to know where all that water came from. Explained to them that the bottom of the bowl always fills first!

Guess I am just a deal killer!! Haven’t heard from the agent since, but then, she did not recommed me! Buyer found me, so agent lap dog got aced out.

I am just dying to see the scuba outfit with Fins no weight belt though
(scuba pro):smiley:

As you probably know, most crawl spaces up here can usually be inspected just using a pool lounger, with drink cups (they work great for carrying the camera and tools). But then there are times just a snorkel will work, this one needed full scuba gear.

Need to get to a warmer/dryer state, slab on grade or full basements!!!

This crawl space gig just not fun anymore.

Thats Why I’m in Idaho now:D slabs and mostly dry.

LOL here in my area I know some inspectors never get in a crawl space. I have also been called out to do several roof inspections after an inspector ( NOTE: The same one ) told them he couldn’t go on the roof and walk it because his ladder wasn’t rated for high enough weight capacity and he was afraid he might also fall through the roof. This was on a 4 year and 6 year old house. How did he get in the attic? I know those drop down stairs were not rated to carry the load capacity his ladder would carry???

That figures they are probably to big to enter or traverse.:smiley:

OK, rub it in!!! :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Have a good one!!!

Scuba man