Pic 1; “Is there another hatch, in the laundry room, maybe?”
Pic 2;It’s the client who’s suppousedly head-over-heels in love with this shack, not me. I do like this concrete rest area.
Pic 3; Bingo! Found it! Now I’m outa here!
Anything we can do to make things easier on you older guys
I got to be honest I don’t know how these overweight guys in my market even do crawl spaces and attics, I have been called only after they were unable to perform the inspection to the standards that some people think we should. I’m sure they do a great job when they can actually get in there:D
I will do the crawlspaces when needed. It takes me about 15 to 20 minutes just to suit up to enter. Typically, they take an extra hour total to inspect properly. I get paid well for the extra work or they are welcome to use my competition. Most often I find my complete home inspection fee worth of things in the crawlspace.
I’m a little guy, and I have problems getting around in crawl spaces, under, over, around heating ducts, plumbing waste lines, etc. Even getting into many of them can be a challenge!!
Plumbers also can be weight/size challenged!! Had a situation several years sgo, unusually cold weather, pipe froze and burst. Called plumbing company, they sent out a repairman.
He was “unable” to get into the crawl space to repair. It was 3 days before they could get a “thinner” repairman out to repair!!!
What do you wear when you “suit up”?
I just had my first crawl space - most houses here are - thankfully - on a slab with no basement or crawl. I’m a little short for my weight, but I got into the crawl space access about 24X20. I saved it for last, and a good thing. The floor was loose dirt. It wasn’t bad, but I need some coveralls or something…
I wear all that and a helmet to keep from scarring up my noggin any more than it already is. Lots of rusty, sharp metal in crawl spaces; nails, old pipe, termite guards, etc. I have several sets of coveralls that I rotate through. The most important thing is a very good respirator or filter mask. You only get one set of lungs, don’t hose em up cause you won’t get another set. Lots of nasty stuff in crawls.
I wear all that and a helmet to keep from scarring up my noggin any more than it already is. Lots of rusty, sharp metal in crawl spaces; nails, old pipe, termite guards, etc. I have several sets of coveralls that I rotate through. The most important thing is a very good respirator or filter mask. You only get one set of lungs, don’t hose em up cause you won’t get another set. Lots of nasty stuff in crawls. Oh yeah, I charge extra for crawls too. Most clients do not think I charge enough or bat an eye at the extra charge.
I don’t worry about getting in – I am always checking to see if I can get out.
The camera takes a lot of pix for later checking. Problems found - Leaks - electrical - WDO - HVAC leaks - Trash - Support issues - Cats - Snakes - etc.
Well worth the trip if it was my home - BTW my home is on a crawlspace - have spent many hrs in said area - sort of cool in summer - all types of things to explore and check out
Lots of fun and maybe some day might find something of great value
Up here in the north west, I use scuba gear. Most crawl spaces usually have standing water in them. Had one where the water was up to the floor joists.