Is it OK for CSST to pass through a wall? I would think a sleeve is required? What are the applicable code sections? Thanks.
CSST can pass through a sheetrock wall without a sleeve as long as the plastic coating is intact and there are no connections within the wall cavity. If it goes through masonry or brick walls, it must have a sleeve. This is from Gastite tech support.
Crappy drip/dirt leg as well.
Nothing “crappy” about it. Just plain wrong
I think code doesn’t allow a flexible gas pipe passing a wall/floor
Thanks for your responses.
Nothing wrong with csst passing through a wall as long as it is sealed to the wall according to the manufacture of such a product.
(see page 34)
- Counter Strike®
with its specially formulated polyethylene jacket has been tested
to the flame spread and smoke development requirements of ASTM E 84 and
meets ANSI LC-1 limits imposed for this
criteria. - For through wall penetration fire stop
instructions refer to the UL classification
requirements shown in Appendix A. When
passing through a fire stop (2hr. wall) the
jacket shall not be removed. Seal between
building and Counter Strike®
with an
approved 3M type CP-25 or equivalent
caulk. - Counter Strike®
has through wall penetration UL Classifications for 1, 2 and 4 hour
requirements depending on materials and
type of construction. See Appendix A
This applies to appliance connectors, not gas piping.