Originally Posted By: away This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
They should at least be capped and marked so they don’t get energized at some point down the road. I think there is a post where abandoned wiring was discussed. If I find it I will add it.
Oh BTW, nice company name ![icon_biggrin.gif](upload://iKNGSw3qcRIEmXySa8gItY6Gczg.gif)
added on edit:
Here is the post I was thinking about. Not really about abandoned wire but check down for Paul Abernathy's first post, he has a little information and references.
Originally Posted By: Joey D’Adamo This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
twheeler wrote:
Here in Canada, loose wire has to be removed from the panel. It could, however, be pulled from the panel, capped, and placed in a junction box.
That can't be true everywhere. Maybe in Ontario. Here in Alberta, one of the most common practices here in new construction is to run 10/3 to a potential electric dryer location, but cap off the red on both ends and simply put in a standard 15A circuit/receptical.