Death in the attic........

I was told by one of my Realtors today that a man who lived across the street from her (in Largo) was electrocuted in his attic recently.

There was no obvious reason at this time…there is going to be an investigation but the reason is still unknown at this time.

I pass this on to remind us of the inherent dangers we all face in our chosen occupation. This unfortunate 45 year old husband/father/retired firefighter is another example of how life can turn on a dime.

Be careful out there my bruthas!

Kill the power !
If a lot of work has to be done.

Thank you for the important reminder.

Another reason we should not crawl all over them looking for a friggin shinner :slight_smile:

f-ing ridiculous.

Mike !
Hows the foot Bro ?

This is why we have to look around up there…weekend warrior pays the ultimate price.

Which goes without saying… Old knob and tube will burn your butt.

He was probably wet with sweat. He was a perfect conductor in a confined space.

Still sucks after a couple of inspections or cooking in the kitchen for a few hrs… been about 3 weeks since most the metal came out. Swells big as heck and hurts a lot. 3 days a week physical therapy.

Thanks for asking.

Mike’s tip of the day. Do Not Break Your heel, EVER.

I have neighbors that get new hips and knees and recover quicker. It really does suck :frowning:

Dec 11 2012 date of first injury :frowning: The gov got nothing for me, No help what so ever. I do get a tep parking handi parking pass. Now days since Obama took over everyone is disabled and all the spots are taken anyhow :frowning:

Are you walking on tile floor ?

yep. I got to walk :frowning: Climbing roofs and attics also .