Originally Posted By: krichardson This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
When attaching a guardrail to a deck ledger board using carriage bolts, is it a requirement to add a washer and nut to the carriage bolt on the inside of the ledger board?
Originally Posted By: dlittlefield This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
There is a great article in The Journal of Light Construction (JLC) this month. They tested standard deck railing attachments. They also tested a product from Simpson Strong-Tie that works very well. Check It Out.
Originally Posted By: rcloyd This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
The IRC requires the guardrail to be able to resist 200 PSF applied at any point along the top of the rail. Without a washer and nut a carriage bolt connection could not acheive this required strength and would eventually release.
Originally Posted By: ccoombs This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I agree with Russell. The connection should have washers on both sides of the bolt (machine bolt or carriage bolt). I typically provide calculations for the connection and require between a 1 1/2" to 2 1/8" dia. washer. In theory, if the bolted posts are close enough a washer wouldn't be required. However, they would have to very close together.