Deck Re-Nailing

Then why are we measuring the nails?

Not on a wind mit. I have used a claw, hammer, and in one instance, a reciprocating saw to get the picture the underwriter required.

I have a nail size chart and By this, it could actually be a 7d…

You’re not cutting into the truss for that nail are you? I have thought about bringing in a sharp chisel a couple of times myself.

I carry a pocket knife to pop off wood where it sticks out but no nail is visible. I use my bottom of 8D nail photo when none are visible.

So far no issues with it. I will only do it on homes that by year built should have at least 8D.

I must go out to play the lottery this weekend then, Maybe my luck is changing :slight_smile:

What does that mean?

“Manipulating” one truss to get the picture required, in the long term big picture, isn’t going to affect anything. :wink:

It means I need another glass of wine…

It means, I use the same metal detector that can measure accurately horizontally apparently vertically. Some re-inspection firms allegedly also do it as well :slight_smile:

Go ahead let the attacks begin…I’m ready :slight_smile:

I am not willing to let clients not get a discount they should when I am certain of what is there.

Here is an example from some unknown source I ran across once. Mine would be similar.
Note that if you do many you can be fairly sure just by the look of what type of nail it is also. I’m sure it will never end up in the Nachi course but i’ll survive :slight_smile:

nail (1).JPG

nail (2).JPG

I know some inspectors thinks that it actually works, but I have yet to see anybody prove it in a video. I tried it myself with a MT6 and came up inconclusive. I think the underwriters are finally getting wise to that practice.

The whole friggin tool is useless " inconclusive " and all its results . Have you ever seen the disclaimer where they say what temps it is accurate and such? It is an asinine process to have to photograph something that should not exist in the first place.
It is a dangerous and stupid practice. Name any other profession where the pros in the field have to take pictures that mean nothing except that there may me metal there.

They should be relying on our professional opinions just like ANY OTHER profession.

Many of the idiots around here had a hand in making the pictures a requirement by not speaking up. The same fools that turn a 6 page wind mit into a 20 page doc…

Just curious how do you help you client when you KNOW they are there but cannot find a shiner?

Go ahead tell me you climb all attic and always find one, I dare ya.

They tried that in the beginning…didn’t pan out so well. Now they don’t trust anybody.

Which is why in some instances, you have to hack out the nail to get a picture of it. :roll:

A great many around here are the reason. They just bent over and took it. Got to keep getting those referrals ya know :frowning:

I was the only one to stand up and speak against it.

Easy, I just use Eric’s sawzall and cut out a 12" section of the truss, pry it down and measure the nails. I get the spacing too without a metal detector.:shock:

when and if the underwriters become bigger pricks I’ll put my saw in the truck and when I cannot find one I’ll give the clients the option of cutting their trusses for an additional $200 after of course signing a release from any problems it may cause :slight_smile: sounds great…I could use some extra cash. It will screw up my schedule for the day though :frowning:

Measuring a nail length with the MT6 does not work. Many have tried.

It is as accurate as measuring distance :slight_smile:

You may get the depth of the nail in the truss, but finding the end of the nail with any accuracy is a myth. I think the MT6 specs say there can be 1/2" or more error rate. You can draw the marker anywhere you want.

What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

What option do I have…Just screw them???

No not me that can be left up to the underwriters.

I know it’s there and I say its there that should be good enough but it is not so I play their foolish games. So far it works all the time. Till one of the idiots around here tells their buddies that the method is no good then I’ll just use Eric’s method and make a few extra 100 every-time a shiner is not visible. Hell that works fine with me :slight_smile: