Different wind Mit Form For Condos Over 3 Stories?

Went onto FL Internachi site. They used to have a different form for bldgs over 3 stories.

Has that gone away?

No one has ever requested I ever use anything other than the normal form.


Home Inspectors are not licensed to fill-out the MIT II/III

Sorry John is right I forgot to point that out

Just came across this…


It states…

*Building Type II and III Mitigation Verification (MIT-BT II & III)

Citizens will accept this form signed by one of the following qualified inspectors:

  A Florida-licensed home inspector who has completed the statutory number of hours of hurricane mitigation training approved by the Construction Industry Licensing Board and completion of a proficiency exam.*

I’ve always gone with what the MIT II/III form states on the 3rd page (it does not indicate Licensed Home Inspectors can complete the form) but…???

Interesting, Home inspectors but not Residential Contractors
The form does not state either.

Just wanted to revisit this thread. I am asked to perform a wind MIT on a 2 story condo/ town home building later this week in key largo. This is for an individual unit only not the entire building. In 2008 when the last for was filled out (I have it), the inspector, an engineer used the then available type II or III form. I read the current form and it states 4 or more stories. Am I correct in assuming I can perform this inspection for this unit owner with the current 1802?



I would use the 1802 form

Thanks John.
