Originally Posted By: jmichalski This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
OK, I have been doign searches all night to quote a source about having a disconnect within a certain minimum distance of an AC compressor unit but I can’t find it.
I admit I am really tired, and half distracted, but I have to get this report finished tonight and I can't find what I am looking for.
Did I imagine it? I have never seen a compressor without a disconnect within about 5 feet before. The question arises, because the main service panel is on the opposite side of the wall from teh compressor and the owner maintains that the breaker serves teh purpose and is within an acceptable distance and is readily accessible.
I can;t imagine that is correct, but I can't find what I'm looking for either! Someone please help a tired single dad with a hyper 4 year old who just wants to go to bed!