Regarding attendees enjoy a discounted rate from the Fairfield Inn on Colorado Blvd - They have given us a NACHI rate of $89+tax per night. To make reservations call 1 (800) 690-9799 or (303) 691-2223 and ask for the "NACHI room rate."
Would be nice to hear what is said and meet some colleagues.
3 days is impossible for me. Any days busier/more relevant than others?
Would like to stop by if possible. Two house payments right now. Can’t do the 3 day solid thing.
Tim Spargo
it’s full as far as I know Tom…
I payed for the class but i don’t know if i will be able to go. i just got out of the hospital and don’t know what condition i will be in. Ill post later this week if i give up my space
Nick, with all the new buzz about commercial inspections can we start a new forum just for this subject.
I think it will be very useful to everyone interested. A place to post pictures and comments concerning commercial work.
La Quinta gave us a rate of $72 in
Can you/they get this TREC approved for CEU?
Barry, TREC doesn’t license commercial inspectors.
They do licesnse home inspectors though and they have approved many of our courses
Generally, if a course is approved for state CE, it means that it falls within SOP (in other words it isn’t any of the good, juicy stuff like marketing, mold, infrared, commercial inspections, business success, etc). The unapproved courses are of course the best and a good way to determine whether or not to attend a course is to make sure it isn’t approved by your state. Most states (including Texas) produce an online list of approved courses to avoid. If you are looking to expand your business, make money or want an advanced offering, check your state’s website first and make sure the course ***isn’t ***approved for CE.
Just to assist…
LaQuinta is cheaper and a few streets closer to the ITA course location.