Do you make a copy of the report for the agent?
Send a copy or print a copy? I don’t print any reports. They are all electronic unless the client does not use a computer.
I only send a copy to the agent if the client specifies in writing that I can. I will never send a copy to the other party’s agent.
Do you mean an actual “printed” copy? I provide agents on-line access to the electronic copy if approved by my client. I also provide fowarding privilages for those approved by my clients so they can do it themselves.
Ben not only is that unethical but illegal in Illinois without client consent.
The **Agent **is not your client.
Maybe you mean Sellers Agent.
Most of my clients are private sales and no agents.
I would charge for the printing cost to supply one to a sellers agent or buyers agent.
The information provided in this report is solely for your use. On The Level Inspection will not release a copy of this report without your written consent.
I haven’t printed copies since March 31, 2003. I do provide an electronic copy to anyone and everyone who has an interest in helping my Client – Realtors, Sellers, plumbers, electricians, roofers, stuccoers, air condition techs, etc.
Oh - thanks for clearing that up for me. Ha. (I’ve had the client order the inspection, but their agent pay for it. Hmmm… Now who’s my client?) (Often my client can’t appear at the inspection, so their legal representative - attorney or agent then shows up. I’ve had attorneys and agents sign the agreement prior to the inspection - their legal representatives. I get SOMEONE to sign the agreement - client or attorney or agent, blood relative - whoever signs I suppose is my client - or at least a legal representative of my client.) The signature line on the bottom of my agreement has written underneath “Signature of Client or Representative of Client”
If my client wants the report right after the inspection - I provide it. They’ll have to wait about 30-45 minutes for me to compile it and insert the photos, but they always do. They want to get going - making smart decisions - based upon my report that they can get in their hands right after the inspection - while its all fresh in their minds.
I print two full reports and two summaries, and hand them all to my client. They usually immediately hand over the 2nd copy to their agent (their legal representative). They’ll sometimes request a 3rd copy of the summary for the seller or the seller’s agent.
“Unethical printing” - Heh.
I’ve printed 1 report so far this year for an elderly lady who did not have a computer, and I can’t remember the last time I’ve printed one before that, years ago, maybe in 2004?
I provide a digital copy to the agent, if my client gives permission. I almost never print on paper anymore.
Most of the reports, I print on site for I can go through the recommended repairs again with my client. I get less questions later that way. The buyer’s agent also gets a copy. If the buyer’s agent is also the seller’s agent, I get permission from the client first. Some seller’s agents think they will automatically get the report and quite often I got to point out that if the buyer wants any repairs done then they have the right to the report. The report does not have to be shown at all to the seller or his/her agent if the buyer does not want any repairs, at least in Missouri.
I provide all my clients with two copies of the HI report.
What they do with their second copy is totally up to them.
I do this because I know my Buyer’s agent would like a copy of the report if there are any issues to discuss with the Sellers agent. I do not and never will provide agents with anything regarding the home inspection for my client…I leave that up to my client.
So if the Doorman signs as Proxy do you give him a copy to.?
It is called Proxy and your Clients name should be written at the top of your Inspection Agreement Ben.
Perhaps the Agent gets a copy even if your client is paying and does not trust their own Agent but you give one to the Agent anyway?
Many Clients call me because they do not want to trust the Agents choice.
Perhaps the Agent will just pass out copies to anyone they see fit and that is fine?
Sorry Ben but you may have walked into to many RE Offices.
I usually work for the Buyer ,and even when I am recommended by an Agent ,I would never send then a copy without express permission.
As I said **Illegal **and unethical
You should rethink your position.
This is exactly why License Laws are needed.
Seems like a lot of folks define unethical in this way:
“Those things that my competitors do, that set them apart from me.”
I’m not stating an opinion one way or another on this. But I think you need to clarify that it’s illegal in Illinois. It’s not illegal in most other states.
*Nevermind, I see you wrote that in Post #4.
I email a copy to the client. They can forward it to whoever they wish. I don’t release to second parties without written permission from my client.
Very good Russell! I do the same.
Client can opt out, but the default is that their agent will get a copy of the report.
In my PIA:
“The report is copyrighted by US and is prepared exclusively for the CLIENT (and their agent unless directed otherwise).** Reports may not be sold or traded to anyone in any form**. CLIENT(s) gives permission for US to discuss report findings with real estate agents, owners, or contractors for the sake of clarification.”
My client gets a copy (electronic). They can forward it on themselves if requested. I try not to have any interaction with agents, makes my life less stressful.
great point Mark