Does your inspection vehicle have signage? Read this study...

Basically, in one year, your inspection vehicle sign can be seen by people 5 million times.

Yep all you need to do is type The right Trak to find my truck and advertisement logos.

We have to type?!

Well yea, I guess we can’t read it ourselves because it sits in your driveway so much!? :wink:

Actually it is in other peoples driveways most of the day It is on the road the rest of the time. LOL

[quote=“kwood, post:5, topic:69940”]

Actually it is in other peoples driveways most of the day It is on the road the rest of the time. LOL

When your wife drives it?](“”)

No my wife has already blown out one clutch so she is barred from driving my truck.
Only time she uses my truck is when the car is in the shop.

She’s not teachable either , eh? :p:p