Is there a problem double tapping a Square D GFCI breaker in the panel? Both wires are the same size. Today was the first time I’ve seen it done. Thanks in advance.
That would depend. Was the breaker rated for two conductors? If not, then it’s a problem. . .
All the other breakers had the m shaped clips under the screw, but this one had a little chip broken out of the breaker body right next to the screw, was in a tight spot with other wires so I couldn’t see the clip, both wires were on the same side… I’m whining now. I’ll recommend replacement because of the chip and be done with it. Thanks.
Pigtailing the wires and bringing one conductor to the breaker may be sufficient. ;-)…for the double tap not the broken breaker.
You are not are learning.....a very good thing. And yes, if the breaker is damaged recommend it be replaced as the trama that caused the breaker to actually " Break " could have caused internal damage....can't say tha for sure but anytime an inspector notices damage to a breaker or so on in a panel....refer to it in your report and defer the liability.
Lawyers sometimes can make mountains out of mole hills…if given the chance.
lol…Good Point…
Thought I would continue with this thread> I try to do a search before starting a new thread and this is the only one that came up.
When I plugged my simple receptacle tester into a detached garage receptacle the GFCI in the panel immediately tripped. Looking at the breaker, I didn’t see the wedge plate and both connections are on the same side of the screw.
I left the tester in the receptacle and tried resetting the breaker. After about 3 tries, it held. Went back to the garage and just as I got there, the breaker tripped again. There’s a problem. Just looking for a suggestion for better wording besides, "GFCI breaker tripped when tester inserted.Recommend further evaluation and repairs by a licensed electrical contractor. "
Both the hot and the neutrals need to connect to the GFI in order for the breaker to work properly. As it appears the sensing circuit is seeing current flow over 2 hots, but only 1 neutral. It will trip every time something is plugged into the circuit without the return current on the one neutral.
I agree and the same thing would apply to the OP, the GFCI breaker would need 2 hot legs and 2 neutrals to even work correctly.
Yes it is wrong
Thank you Greg. Appreciate it.
It is a matter of the breaker being listed for two conductors. It would not make a difference where they went. Where they went could possibly be a code issue regarding circuit requirements. Different issue.
You are right Jim, but look at the pic. the wires are right on top of each other. Not a SD rated for 2 wires.
I meant the destination, not where under the terminal screw or clamp. Hope you were not confused by that.
gotcha - no I wasn’t confused. Thanks