
How many call the terminations out on a downspout like this. I always SUGGEST the add extensions to direct the water to a lower gutter to prevent premature wear on the shingles. Seller disagreed. AHJ said not necessary (he is right, there is no code) and the company that installed it disagreed becuase it would “cause problems on the lower gutter” (he is an idiot cause the water will end up in the lower gutter anyway). I defered to the company that installed it and will warrant it.

Curious how others see it.

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You were initially right on.

  1. Screw the AHJ. This is not a code inspection. It is for the benefit of your client.

  2. Screw the seller. They just want to save money.

  3. Screw the installer. He isn’t going to pay for the earlier roof replacement or damage.

You gave your client the correct information. It is up to them what they want to do with it. Stand firm.

I tell the purchaser that in a big storm it is like having a swimming pool deposit all the water in one location and it can wear out the shingles faster there .
I recommend they get it extended to the lower gutter and that it is not a huge expense and it can save the shingles in that area .Roy

I call them out every time (unless the downspout only serves a very small roof area above such as a dormer etc.).

[FONT=GillSansMT][size=1]“Some of the downspouts were discharging onto a lower roof surface which will lead to premature localized deterioration of the roof cladding in those areas due to the concentrated water. There is also a greater chance of water intrusion into the house in these areas due to the larger volume of water flowing onto the lower roof surfaces. Recommend the addition of downspouts from the current discharge points, down into a lower eavestrough, or all the way down to grade level.”

**Agree. **I call it out every time, irregardless what the seller or others think.

A big “so what?” for what the seller, AHJ and contractor think. Neither of the three of them are representing the interests of … or are accountable to … your client.

Stick to your guns. Unlike the minimum basic and politically derived standards that the “code book” represents (which is all a contractor is required to comply with) … home inspectors are not only able but are encouraged to advise their clients of such things as these.

My guess is that the comments of the seller, AHJ and contractor all came to you through the used house salesman, anyway. That, alone, would speak volumes for itself if it is the case.

Press on.

Stephen nailed it. (right through the shingles and the roof to wall flashing below and to left of the ds which, IMO, is improperly installed on top of the top course of shingles at that little return!)

I see this bogus type of ds discharge onto Port St. Lucie, FL lower roof shingles all the time. Again, Stephen is very correct b/c the right thing to do is really only a very little bit of extra work: add an end cap on upper gutter and add a ds directly into the lower gutter.

What pisses me off most about this is the terrible general contractors who allow this to happen in the first place! :roll:

thanks guys, I knew I was right. When I said I “deffered” to the installer, I told the buyer, he has the problem since he warratns the roof.

Contractor, seller and AHJ are all full of crap.
The downspout location will degrade the shingles in that location and the downspouts should have preferably been routed to a different location down to the ground. Dumping in another gutter is a last alternative.
It also contributes to ice damming and would explain that is also a problem judging from the heat tape on the edge of the roof.

Good advice on your part.
Stand your ground. :slight_smile: