Dryer vent clearance to plumbing vent

Hi guys . Thanks for the response. I am on the road at the moment but will be checking in later today.
New construction, this dryer vent and plumbing vent are right on top of each other.
If I remember dryer vents need 3 feet of clearance at a minimum from any openings unless otherwise stated by manufacture.
Is there anything on plumbing roof vents that specify distance? Seems like lint could possibly block this vent as well.

Bad place for a dryer vent, it won’t get cleaned.


I really doubt that would / could ever happen in this example.

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I really can’t find anything that would say this is wrong installation outside of most manufactures require 12" to any obstacle for the dryer vent. The 3’ requirement sounds more to do with windows, doors HVAC etc. I will keep looking but like Marcel said, it’s looking like cleaning will be a pain. So far it is looking like it is allowed, though poorly placed. Certainly other options were avail.

Those shingles and a lead pipe flashing are on a new construction?


Not sure about this but it makes sense.

I wouldn’t write that one up. Never seen a lead flashing on a vent on anything built since the 60’s.

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It’s all we use around here, occasionally they’re covered with the plastic slip-on covers, but all lead.

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Regional differences often have to be recognized and considered when we are having conversations with HIs all over the world.

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