So I came across this on an inspection. I have noted that it is non metal flexible and should be rigid metal and the connection to the chimney is not adequate. Now I have hit a snag with the length and termination.
I do not know if the dryer can even be vented into a chimney. (there is nothing else but the dryer venting into this one)
If it is allowed in the chimney would the termination point be considered the top of the flue or the point which the vent enters the chimney?
2.A. If it is the top of the flue as I suspect this one will not meet the 25’ or less requirement.
Hi Josh,
If the chimney is being used then exhaust gases have the opportunity to back draft back through the dryer. That is a dangerous situation. Even if the chimney is not being used, where is the condensation going to go from the dryer vent? We are not code inspectors but it is prohibited in IRC M1502.
Thanks everyone for the input. It makes sense that it should not terminate into the chimney, dryer fires are no joke. Who knows you guys may have just helped me save someone’s life today.