Question about this electric panel. Each bus bar has a service entrance aluminum wire connected to it. This is a 200 amp main breaker. What are each of these wires. I assume one is the neutral and the other a ground but not sure which is which or if in fact I’m correct. Any help would be appreciated…
The neutral is on the far right with a white stripe.
Please take the courses on electrical inspection that are available free of charge
The proper terminology: the bare and green conductors on the left side are equipment grounding conductors (EGC’s). The white conductors on the bar on the right are neutral or grounded conductors. Seeing as they’re separate was there a service disconnect near the meter?
Can you post a 3 additional pics? One from farther back with both dead fronts off. Second one up close to include the compete panel board on the right with the dead front off. And the third up close to include the complete panel board on the left with the dead front off.
I appreciate the response. I have taken the courses. Each of the wires have a white stripe on them. Please help me to understand how I know which is the neutral and which is the ground. I thought the purpose of the forum was to help others learn. If not then I certainly apologize for asking.
James we could use some more information to. help you understand but Robert gave you a good start…white is grounded (or neutral) and the bare or green are the Equipment grounding conductors- EGCs (or grounds).
Now we are trying to understand if that is a remote distribution panel board (or sub-panel).
Hence Robert’s question if there was a service disconnect by the meter and my request for additional pics.
Robert and Larry,
Thank you both very much for your help. In the photo to the right you can see a panel for a generator connection. On the left bus bar there is another connection for a large wire I believe it is a 2 ought from the service entrance just like the one on the right. Black wire with a white stripe. It is hidden behind all the other wires. The only part that I could get in the photo was where it connects to the bus bar. This is the only photo I have. This is not from an inspection I was looking at a panel of friends home over the weekend for practice. Thank you for your assistance.
You’re welcome James.
It is probably as Robert & I described.
Try and think of it this way, in the photo the insulated white neutral conductors on the right are current carrying conductors, meaning that they carry current under normal conditions which is why they are insulated. The EGC’s on the left are bare because they do not carry current under normal conditions, they will only be energized during a fault condition typically for a very short period of time until the OCPD opens. From those descriptions you can see that they are fundamentally different and why one (the neutral) needs to be kept from contacting the metal enclosure. If a neutral is in contact with the metal enclosure then some of the neutral current will flow on the enclosure and on the feeder EGC under normal conditions which something that you do not want.
Excellent as always Robert:grinning:
It is good to learn its working system