I have a quick question. Just got a minor complaint from a Real
Estate Agent regarding a Home Inspection I did in April of 2020. Evidently, the electrical meter may have been moved by the previous home owner to a location up on a pole? My photo of the incoming Service Entrance and mast do not show an electrical meter at that location, where I typically see it and I didn’t notice it was not located there. Of course I did a complete inspection of the interior of the main distribution panel and sub panels and noted some deficiencies there where I recommended a licensed electrician. My understanding is they never had an electrician make any repairs.
Recently, I was told the electrical meter burned up on the pole? Something about too much power hooked up to it? Anyway - it’s kind of an unusual situation. $2,000 for repairs.
Should I offer financial assistance in the event I hear from the home owners? They believe I am at fault because the electrical meter was moved by the prior owner and I should have noted that.
Do you have a picture of the meter from the inspection? right now it sounds like you don’t know exactly what transpired. Did the main panel rating and the main disconnect OCPD match the service entrance conductor rating?
The Agent. There were many electrical issues in this home that I made multiple recommendations for a licensed electrician. My understanding is that they didn’t do anything with my recommendations so I’m not overly concerned.
No I didn’t take a photo of the meter. I think it’s one of the first times in several hundred inspections where it was not near the service entrance. It was up on a pole so I would not have been able to see it anyway. So I took a photo of the mast and service entrance and noted it. 200 amp main service disconnect - no issues there.
Not sure what you mean, the meter usually cannot be mounted higher than certain height as outlined by POCO. Even if you could not see it from the ground, I would still take a pic of it.
Before and after picture
Did it match the rating of the service conductors? (per my question before)
We don’t open meter sockets to inspect them. I had my meter socket burn up from the top lugs…I was home when the power company came and shut off my power…I asked why they were shutting it off and they said the connection was too hot and melting the wire insulation… I don’t know how they knew that, and how they were alerted to it, but they had the technology to know. Within 3 hours I went and bought the supplies to install a new SE cable and new meter socket, did the work, and had it reconnected. So no, you shouldn’t be liable. The power company said they didn’t know why it happened.
Yes I agree Scott. I reviewed some aerial photos I took of the roof and see the meter on the telephone pole at the rear of the property. It looks fine to me. I would not have called it out and would not have known that it was relocated. Spoke to the buyer yesterday and he informed me he never did any of my recommendations regarding several other electrical issues within the home - so he’s on his own. Not my problem. He should have followed my advise and got a licensed electrician to repair known deficiencies.
My question would be; How in the crap would anyone (previous owner) Move the meter?? Now he may have had it moved by the Utility Company, or someone like an electrician with assistance (ie deenergized) from the Utility Co. to move it. But you just cant go moving a live meter box without shutting down the power (before the meter). Well I guess you could try and then die doing it… Sounds like a problem that would not be “Readily Visible or Observable” anyway. Not your issue, especially since you advised they get an electrician to look over the system.
I usually make it a point when I find multiple electrical issues, I word the report to not just have those particular issues “I was able to observe” investigated and repaired but I stick in that Report Statement, Wording to the effect; that The Home’s Electrical System be fully investigated. There is a lot of the system we can’t observe and if we observe “some deficiencies” There are most likely other parts of the system that is screwy. It can be a great CYA statement to word it that way…System being the key CYA word in the report.
First of all had you taken a ladder and gone up there, the box is sealed by the electric provider and you couldn’t open it if you wanted to. I’m suspicious, I’d like to see the pictures of the pole and unit post fire. Is the unit in the same place? I’d also like to compare the pics of the main panel from your inspection and the condition of the unit now. Dollars to doughnuts someone has been working on the electrical and screwed it up.