Originally Posted By: kluce This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
This wasn’t an inspection but when my brother in law and sister moved into a rental house, the home owner did some electrical updating. Some how, the meter was taken off and bypassed to the electrical panel. Around 6 months later, the meter is still not installed. The meter is located by the sidewalk and the only thing stopping somebody from getting killed is cardboard.
Question #1
How can somebody take the meter off and keep it off for months without the utility company finding out about it?
Question #2
Should I report it? For safety reasons.
Question #3
If I do report it. Would my sister and brother in law get into trouble?
The first question is the one the really puzzles me. All they have to do is walk by and see that the meter is off. It's only 3 feet from the sidewalk.
Originally Posted By: psabados This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Question #1
Yes, you can cheat on the power company. Eventually someone will come around to read the meter, then its over
Question #2
Question #3
Unknown. The house may not even be certified for occupancy. They may get booted until the proper repairs have been performed, signed off by the power company and local AHJ. Technically its theft of services, unless they've been approved for temporary power hook-up. Doesn't sound like it however.
Sometimes people can not see the forrest for the trees.
Originally Posted By: Dennis Bozek This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
You can always install the meter upside down too…that works as well
Actually though....I better answer this cuz if I don't someone will beat me up for such a stupid reply 
Yea you should contact the utility company and the faster the better for the renters....the longer they wait the guiltier they will look.
-- This information has been edited and reviewed for errors by your favorite resident sparky.
Originally Posted By: jmyers This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
That is like stating stealing a little is better than stealing a lot. Either way, you are stealing and just as guilty! 
Originally Posted By: Dennis Bozek This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
well Kevin them utility guys are busy fixin storm damage and eating donuts…give them time and they will see it and if your relatives haven’t reported it by then…they will come home to a meter disconnection notice for suspicion of stealing power or tampering with their equipment…seen it happen before…so best tell them to report it and like NOW…
Had a service call once....lady called loss of power in house....when I got there the meter to her house was gone...a nice plastic insert in it's place...the kind only the utility company has....turns out she hadn't paid her bill in over 6 months 
-- This information has been edited and reviewed for errors by your favorite resident sparky.