exterior masonary wall

Originally Posted By: bsarles
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I inspected an end unit row home that had cinder block foundation and solid masonry walls to the roof. there were cracks all over itand reported as such.i work for a co. that has a check off list and for the exterior there is foundation and siding. my ? is which section would it go under.or how would you write it?

Originally Posted By: ekartal
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Can't tell you how to write without seeing a photo. You mention cracks all over. I can only say that these are some of the more serious types:

V cracks at both sides of a corner.
Cracks exceeding 3/16'' wide.
Lateral cracks (any bulging noticed?)
Diagonal or vertical extending from foundation to the top of the wall.
Cracks that are wider at one end than the other.
Fresh cracks (loose dirt inside.) Especially a concern if a older home.

Erol Kartal

Originally Posted By: bsarles
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

Thanks for your reply.i recommended more evaluation by an engineer.they werent big cracks ,just many.some were extending down from the first floor windows to the ground. others were at the brick headers at the 2nd floor and to me in one spot it appeared that a couple bricks were moving outward athe lintels in the basement there were more cracks coresponding to the lower cracks.

Originally Posted By: ekartal
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

Sounds like a good call. Hope someone can pick up on this thread and state the common causes of cracks running diagonal from windows/lintels. I’ll say too much pressure or moisture on the window header and/or lintels that are rusted and need to be replaced? icon_redface.gif

Erol Kartal