Originally Posted By: jpeck This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
The stucco cracks are likely because the wire lath was probably improperly installed.
The rusting spots are ... likely because the wrong fasteners were used for the wire lath ... adding to the improper installation of the wire lath.
If this is a new house, and more houses are being built in the same subdivision, try to find one with the wire lath being installed, then look it over closely. IF by the same builder, may be the same sub contractor, and the installation are likely to be similar.
Originally Posted By: CarlBrown This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
The crack! Is it a one coat stucco application? The stain! It could be a sliver of metal from the mixer . Or something that was in the sand. To see more pictures of bad installation of lath/windows/house wraps. Go to www.badstucco.com
– If it was your house wouldn’t you want the best!!