I am in the process of deciding which thermal imager to purchase. I was just wondering what any of you thermal cam owners thought about your cams…pros and cons.
I appreciate any and all information, and thank you all in advance.
BTW, I intend to use it for home inspection (when needed), and eventually energy audits.
Those are two different applications that may require a two different types of cameras.
If you’re just starting out, just get started.
While in the home inspection business, I will never be without a low end camera. It will be used because you will have it with you all time.
I am less concerned about missing something using a low-end camera that I am about what I will miss because I left an oversized/overpriced piece of equipment in the truck instead of taking it to those difficult/harsh environments. I do the same thing with my digital cameras. my high end digital camera hardly leaves the truck, except to charge the batteries!
[size=2]As John posted in another thread, check out the company and their warranty/support. Flir cameras are in every helicopter that flies over my house from Fort Campbell Kentucky. I seriously doubt they are a “fly-by-night” operation! Pun intended!
I am in a similar situation as Dave (Delaney). I am certainly not made out of money, but I would probably rather pay a little more for my equipment if I knew it will survive regular attic and crawl space use and be a good fit for my uses. When I make the jump, I’ll be using the camera for inspection work as well as energy audits.
So, my question is: How does the Fluke camera discussed recently in other threads compare to the Flir camera based on my above thoughts. Is one camera better suited to audits as opposed to inspections, or visa-versa? Is one camera more rugged than the other?
If you are doing the audit from the exterior, yes. The distance is greater and you need a better camera.
One of the big issues is that if you are too close to the building to take a scan there is a refection from the sky that my blind out potential anomalies.
You have seen this pic around, there is a window there that you can’t even see.
Once you get bitten by the “Thermography Bug” you find yourself getting excited about every little aspect of the technology.
I first purchased a FLIR BCAM SD and it worked well for me the applications I was using it for (home inspections and energy audits). However, if you even remotely think you might get into different applications, you should get the very best camera that “you” can afford.
I just recently upgraded to the FLIR T-400, but it is a very expensive camera. Explore all your options and ask the camera reps if you can get a demo. Most will be ok with letting you use a camera to see if you like it.
Thanks for the input…I was leaning toward the Bcam SD but was concerned it might be more camera than I really needed. Actually, it sounds like a good fit.
What are you using your camera for other than HI and audits?
I have a FLIR BX320 and have been very satisfied. This camera is way beyond the need for a home inspector. At least half my work is now commercial and aiming for 100%.
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