Feedback on this please

OK, this seems the place where everyone hangs out. So I’ll post here.

I was called yesterday, by a client from Chicago who wanted me to inspect 9 rental duplexes he is buying here in Michigan.

We worked out a price, and I was asked to arrange the inspection through the buyers agent. The agent suggested I contact the selling agent to arrange the inspection.

When I contacted the selling agent, he said I can only inspect the two empty units. I told him that wouldn’t be an inspection, and the buyer wants me to inspect all of them.

He proceeded to tell me that an agreement was already made with buyer that there would be no inspections in the occupied apartments. the reason being that if the tenents discovered the buildings were being sold, they would assume their rent would go up, and they’d move out.

After he called the broker, I was called back, and told that the manager would try to arrange for me to inspect about 6 or more units.

I will obviously have to adjust my original quote depending on how many units I can gain access into. However, I am uncertain how to word my disclaimer that will mention about the non-inspected units, and my inability to inspect ALL the units originally requested.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

I’m scheduled to do the inspections on Tuesday, and the buyer will try to be there, or have a representative there.


What does the buyer say about all of this? Having been in this same situation myself the Realtor/owner told them I was doing maintenance inspections.

If the tenants have leases I don’t get it.

Charge for 9 units and do as much as possible. Document everything.

Be very specific, as to what you did and didn’t do, and disclaim the things that you didn’t do. Mention the adjusted price, and have your clients initial a specific disclaimer clause. Be cautious if the attic is in common, because of the potential for a fire breach between the units and because of a potential security breach if the attic can be accessed from more than one unit.

We usually have to do these under some type of disguise. I wear Marx bothers glasses, nose and mustache and act like an insurance guy. :smiley:

Works every time.

Sounds to me like you’re doing the buyer’s agent’s job. My contract states that the client is responsible for making all arrangements. If I get there and things aren’t turned on, unlocked, etc. and I have to return, I charge the client. If **YOU **do all the arrangement making and things flub up, it’s **YOUR **responsibility. Because of past bad experiences, I stay out of the ‘arrangement making’ business.

My job is to show up when and where the client tells me to.

Just do a letter with the inspection be very clear as to what units you inspected and what units you did not. Also put down that you was unable to do these inspections due to renters. Disclaim any future problems with these units and get you client to initial the letter.


It seems to me that you want to be able to inspect all the units and get paid to do it. I inspect muti-tenant units with renters in them frequently. Usually, the seller is satisfied that the tenants won’t be spooked by telling them that an Insurance auditer is coming by to look at the place.

A Must for your Multi-unit Inspections!


Thanks for the replies everyone. I’ll draft a letter and be specific what I did and didn’t do.

Thank you again for your time.