Does anyone know where I can get a copy of what a lending Institution is looking at for an FHA mortgage. There must be some kind of list of requirements.
Does anyone know where I can get a copy of what a lending Institution is looking at for an FHA mortgage. There must be some kind of list of requirements.
Yep…look at some of my posts and you will see
I do FHA/VA inspections quite a bit. The banks simply need a special form (NPMA-33) filled out by you. I use paper forms right now but they are no longer selling the paper forms. You must now go on-line to sign up and do everything on their website. The NPMA-33 forms can now be emailed to your clients.
Go HERE and sign up.
NPMA-33 is for wood destroying insects.
Very good observation, Gary.
That’s what FHA lenders require at closing.
So if I am not certified to do pest inspections, should I still take on the inspection and just take a pest inspector with me?
Further- how does one get certified to do WDO inspections?
Your pest inspector should have the NPMA-33 forms. If not… find a pest inspector that does have the form.
In Kansas, a WDO is not required by some FHA lenders. The laws vary by state. In Kansas, you have to be licensed to do WDO inspections, as well as most midwest states. Again, rules vary by lender. Just about anyone can get the forms from CrownMax.
Around here they have an FHA inspector look at habitability and safety issues only.
Most good agents will warn buyers that they need a real home inspection too.
Paper forms here.
I have done lots of Inspections for clients getting FHA loans and was never requested to fill out any special forms.
From what I heard it just needs to be habitable.
???what gives?
Bruce, you are correct. There are only different froms for HUD inspections. Most all FHA lenders will accept iNACHI inspector’s inspections. The difference is in the lender; not the FHA. I have never in 9 years had an issue with any FHA lender accepting my inspection reports. However, if they require a termite inspection, the NPMA-33 form must be used, which I use for all of my termite inspections anyway.
Many underwriters are requiring that the appraiser inspect and report on specific issues. The requirements vary by lender and have no real rhyme or reason, in fact, some are down-right absurd - I had an appraiser ask to borrow my ladder because he needed to “report on the condition of the trusses in the attic.” I informed him that he could not borrow my ladder and that this particular flat-roof home does not have a truss system.
Appraisers are being put into a difficult position with these loans. It’s only a matter of time before this process results in lawsuits against the lender and appraiser.
Agreed. I ran into an appraiser yesterday. He told me to be sure to write up the furnace, since the furnace was in the garage, it needed a post in front of it to protect it from a vehicle. I asked him if he was a code inspector. He said nothing, and left about 30 seconds later. I bet he came back after I left. Here in Kansas, appraisers will be exempt from any home inspection laws, rules and regulations. They are already starting to report back to the lenders about home defects. I cannot wait for an appraiser to go to court for some defect that they called out. Just put them in their place; not yours.
I had an appraiser call out a crack in the foundation. I went to look, small vertical crack typical settlement crack not structural, As i look up I see someone has cut 4- of the floor joist loose and toe nailed them to a 1X6 that was nailed between 2- 2" x 4" board connected to the framing of the Knee wall. the floor was sagging, and nothing mentioned.