Fire Safety for the Home. Please proof this new inspection article.

Fire Safety for the Home.

And don’t forget the chimney inspection and cleaning.

Nick you might want to add it is always handy keeping a extinguisher in the bedroom. it can be used to break the window a sweep the jagged glass from the frame.
Also a reminder to flip the extinguisher up side down and lightly tap the bottom . this will keep the powder from caking.

Good stuff, guys – thanks for your input!

FYI: Arson Awareness Weekstarts May 2…


That poster is creeping me out Kate.

LOL poster is dead on the money, Innocent little kid we had a fire bug about that age, caught him twice starting fires, third time he got charged . He even tried to burn the a picnic table behind the fire hall. That showed he wanted to get caught. had a call the chief kids started a fire 7 and 8 year old . Now that was a tense situation it was more playing with matches than arson they had to spend 2 hours of ( wells lets say education ) with me and their dad )