How many of you inspect for proper spacing of sheetrock fasteners on visible portions of firewalls?
Bruce, most can’t see the fasteners from the attic opening. :mrgreen:
With all due respect, don’t we have enough to inspect already.
LMAO Joe.:o
What’s so funny???
I’m lucky to have an operational attic opening at all. For some strange reason, I’ve been running across a lot of sealed attics lately. :shock:
DUH… I just figgered it out !!! :mrgreen::mrgreen:
I am a new inspector. I am a General contractor. I am having a hard time understanding the line between Home inspector and Building inspector(municipal). It seems we would only be concerned if the sheet rock was not attached securely, not if the fastening was every 6" or 8". I am seeing post’s on this site and am seeing inspectors getting caught up on really specific codes. I know that codes are important and are connected to the building functioning correctly, but, do you get what I getti’n at? I am sure this is addressed in a study guide somewhere.
Just using your numbers here, but if 6" or 8" is the proper way to do it, wouldn’t that be verifying that it was securely fastened? Just playing devils advocate for the sake of your question.
I will report defects in the spacing if it is totally wrong. Theres a couple of condo complexes here where three to four nails per sheet was considered overkill. I report it, the managers complain and nothing gets done.
A fyi for ceilings 5 per joist is fine 3 in the field evenly spaced and 2 on the edges for walls 4 is fine 2 in the field and 2 on the edges of the each stud.
You are asking about the most difficult part of inspection/reporting process. The SOP’s say we are not responsible for code issues. The NC state HI test is 50-70 percent code questions. Cities and towns have the capability of opting out of many state codes if the correct paperwork is done. Even when not officially opted out of most AHJ’s only enforce about 80 percent of the codes. There is nothing wrong with reporting issues that are backed by a code but there is something wrong with saying it does not meet code unless you are privy to the actual interpretation and enforcement process of that particular area at the time the permit was pulled. If you write up many code issues and insinuate it does not meet a standard then you better not miss any. The typical HI that trys to report code issues probably misses about $250k worth every year. You need to know why the particular code exists and decide how big an issue it really is and formulate your own methods of reporting improper construction without performing a job description for which you are not licensed or certified to do. I’m sure there are HI’s out there that reported many code issues and missed some water intrusion or a stain on a ceiling under a tile shower or a worn out roof and HVAC system. Personally, I report everything I deem necessary which leaves out very little. Some things are easy to recognize as an upgrade and should be reported in a way that makes it clear that it is an upgrade and probably not something the seller should have to do.
KING-Thanks for your reply.