Anyone have a good site for flashing / moisture barrier details…
Did an investigative inspection where the double band joist is completely deteriorate due to improper / lack of flashing between concrete of porch (negative slope) and band joist. under front door.
home was built in 94’ however they (code officials) should have caught it but than again it has been my experience that the tract builders get away with allot…code officials rely too much on site supervisors to take care of stuff and of course they are in such a hurry to put out their product that its common that such things get dropped.
**R703.8 Flashing. **
Approved corrosion-resistive flashing shall be provided in the exterior wall envelope in such a manner as to prevent entry of water into the wall cavity or penetration of water to the building structural framing components. The flashing shall extend to the surface of the exterior wall finish and shall be installed to prevent water from reentering the exterior wall envelope. Approved corrosion-resistant flashings shall be installed at all of the following locations:
At top of all exterior window and door openings in such a manner as to be leak proof, except that self-flashing windows having a continuous lap of not less than 11/8inches (28 mm) over the sheathing material around the perimeter of the opening, including corners, do not require additional flashing; jamb flashing may also be omitted when specifically approved by the building official.
At the intersection of chimneys or other masonry construction with frame or stucco walls, with projecting lips on both sides under stucco copings.
Under and at the ends of masonry, wood or metal copings and sills.
Continuously above all projecting wood trim.
Where exterior porches, decks or stairs attach to a wall or floor assembly of wood-frame construction.
At wall and roof intersections.
At built-in gutters.