Graphic needed for flashing under stone work

Hi ,

I wonder if someone has a good graphic showing the correct installation of the masonry veneer flashing to be installed under the exterior veneer stone work wall.

New construction, slab foundation with stone veneer wall, tyvek housewrap installed, with the black masonry veneer flashing.

The builder installed the upper edge of the masonry veneer flashing behind the OSB sheathing. If moisture backs up in the wall cavity, the OSB bottom is not protected.


Check out this page and see if it’s what you need. Each number has it’s own drawing associated to it.

The flashing should have been attached on the face of the sheathing, and the house wrap extended over the top of the flashing.

This is what I have.

Any where the International Residential Code from 2000 version through 2006 versions are used, flashing is required by section R703:

R703.8 Flashing*"Approved corrosive resistant flashing shall be provided in the exterior wall envelope in such a manner as to prevent entry of water into the wall cavity or penetration of water to the building structural components. The flashing shall extend to the surface of of the exterior wall finish and shall be installed to prevent water from reentering the exterior wall envelope. Approved corrison-resistant flashings shall be installed at all locations: *

*1. At the top of all exterior windows and doors openings in such a manner as to be leakproof, except that self-flashing windows having a continuous lap of not less than 1 1/8 inches (28mm) over the sheathing material around the perimeter of the opening, including corners, do not require additional flashing; jamb flashing may also be omitted when specifically approved by the building official. *

*2.At the intersection of chimneys or other masonry copnstruction with frame or stucco walls, with rpojecting lips on both sides under stucco copings. *

*3. Under and at the ends of masonry, wood or metal copings and sills. *

*4. Continuously above all projecting wood trim. *

*5. Where exterior proches, decks or stairs attach to a wall or floor assembly of wood-frame construction. *

*6. At wall and roof instersections. *

7. At built in gutters."

I have always wondered why builders/butchers don’t seem to know anything about R703.8 Flashing?


And I have felt the same with the city codes inspectors!](,) ](,) ](,) ](,)

Any chance those are “Z” bar flashing straps in the lower part of the picture. Is it possible the correct flashing is actually present on the exterior side of the sheathing?

The black stuff is the flexible flashing which should be running down about 16 inches and then out under a brick course, with weep holes. Those straps are probably a substitute for anchor bolts, anchoring the sill to the foundation. The only problem is that the black stuff should have been fastened to the outside face of the sheathing, not behind the sheathing.

Richard, you are absolutely right. The metal visible is straps for the sole plate.

The new owner gave information to builder and the crew came back out. They attached a new layer of the black flexible flashing to the bottom of the exterior wall sheathing. On the outside of the Tyvek house wrap.

Will have to work on it again. One more time. !! The builders response was - ‘we’ve always done it this way’.
](*,) Buy they didn’t stop to think about it. !!
