Upon registering for our course, you have up to 60 days to complete your training. Our professionally narrated online presentations are available 24/7 allowing you to take your training wherever and whenever it is convenient for you. You may hear any portion of the online recordings as many times as you wish.
Once you have finished the course you will be provided with proof of completion in the form of a certificate suitable for framing. Best of all, completing this course may be applied to Level I certification with Infraspection should you decide to advance your credentials in the future.
I, and my staff at Infraspection Institute look forward to supporting your future thermogrpahic endeavors.
Jim, if one completes the $195 certification class, and that is credited to the Level I certification, what is the additional co$t for the Level I certification class?
(Jim Seffrin, Director of Infrared Training)
Dear Mr. Rotte:
InterNACHI members who have completed Infraspection Institute’s course, Infrared Inspections for Home and Building Inspectors receive a credit of $195 when they register for our online Level I Thermography course which is priced at $1695. This equates to a 100% credit of one’s initial tuition! Students registering for Level I will also receive a new 600 page, 4 color Student Reference Manual.
Successful completion of Level I Thermography will qualify you to take the Level I Infraspection Institute Certified Infrared Thermographer® Exam. This exam may be taken for free at any of our open enrollment classes or at our annual IR/INFO Conference. The exam may also be taken via secure video link for a one-time fee of $350.
Please feel free to call should you have any questions. I, and my staff look forward to supporting your future thermographic endeavors.