FLIR One images

For those who don’t feel the FLIR One is a practical tool to add to your arsenal, I respectfully disagree. Here’s why.

The image is of a front entry door frame where the thermal seal on the frame and not the glass pane was broken causing it, the frame to be in excess of 110 degrees. The glass panel was in the 80’s.



Unfortunately Mr. Elliott you are not correct about your temperatures. I do not believe you have changed the emissivity settings for glass to get a more accurate temperature.

What is the material around the glass? Is this looking from the interior or exterior?

From looking at the image it appears the sun is striking at an angle across the door

Um No!

This is an example of why you should not play with a thermal imaging toy while you are performing a home inspection. The high temperature in your area didn’t get above the mid 80s this week. A failed thermal seal in your door wouldn’t cause it to reach a temperature any higher than the ambient temperature without some other dynamic involved. You discovered SUNSHINE in the form of solar loading - BRAVO! Now go to school.

Also, notice that ~ in front of your glass reading? It’s your imager telling you it knows the reading is not reliable.

I hope you’re not this bad at the basics of home inspection too.

Both Nachi Elliott’s are our FLIR One self-taught genius’s.
Too funny.

LOL. I just noticed that you determined that the thermal seal (probably a wood core) had “broken” by shooting it from the exterior. That’s like looking at the outside of an ice filled cooler sitting in the sun and saying it’s no good because the outside is hot. Unless, perhaps the interior temp was over 110° and you were informing us about heat loss due to a “broken” thermal seal…

You do provide comic relief, if nothing else.

Yes and had you put your hand to the frame, I don’t need a class to confirm that, which is required to be thermally broken here in California, you would also understand that common sense suggest that if you are a home inspector, you should utilize everything available to you to substantiate what are defects.

Second group of pictures represent an overheated neutral bus bar as a result of the poor bond at the water main.

I’m inclined to use all my other instincts as a builder, in addition to the more obvious defects. Well, because that’s my job. $13.8M 10,000 SF… go figure.



I don’t even know where to begin to critique this gem, so let me just pose a couple of questions for you to ponder: How much current is flowing through the conductor that bonds the panel to the water piping? If you have a high resistance connection at one end of a conductor, does it make the other end of the conductor with a good connection get hot?

I’m headed for Vaca so I’m going to let the others finish cleaning up here. I can hardly stop laughing. If it were anyone who wasn’t named Elliott, I’d think they were just pulling our collective legs. :mrgreen:

BTW: That copper conductor must have a damn fine thermal break built into it, because none of your apparent heat has migrated into it through conduction.

Knuckle heads… 800 amp service.

Hey Rick why is 111* so hot?

Oh my, I thought you were just dumb or uneducated.
Sir, you are an idiot!

As for your original declaration, all I can say is turn off the MSX and post those again and let us see just what can’t be seen by the thermal signatures.

I’m thinking if you were to take a few pics of your brain and surrounding tissue there would be s few dead spots in there as well… you thermal anomaly gurus are fun to watch. Over educated. I lived in Berkeley CA for years. I’m plenty familiar with your ilk. If it doesn’t have a level II certificate or a diploma from a pricey non accredited university, well, it ain’t real.
Who are you kidding? Only yourselves.

Mark 113 degrees is what the reading was at the center of the aluminum frame.
You can clearly see the lower part was in fact even hotter.

Some of the pics are reflective heat (upper fixed windows) but for a frame surround to be this hot suggests there is a broken link in the frame itself.

The builder had the factory rep check things out. It was an off-set hinge door that’s 5’ wide. The pivot point t/b was at 4’. It was subsequently replaced as being defective. $13.8M was the asking price.

Nice home but not without some obvious defects. I wouldn’t leave for a job without my F1.

Sorry Rick.
I was referring to post #6.

110 degrees normally speaking is not excessive.
There were however various other things that had my attention.

Several outlet grounds, not the neutrals, had excessive resistance readings.

They were several different branch cuircits where the ground impedance was in excess of 32 ohms. Again suggestin a potential problem with the grounding.
The house was essentially off at the time of the inspection. There was minimal load.

The NFPA and IEEE recommend a ground resistance value of 5 ohms or less while the NEC has stated to “Make sure that system impedance to ground is less than 5 ohms specified in NEC 50.56. In facilities with sensitive equipment it should be 5ohms or less.”

This is why your an Idiot.

Your emotion overloads your brain.
Your refusal to face facts and divert the subject to something else is evidence in point.
I could care less what you do. It has nothing to do with me.
But everything you posted is wrong and you can’t seem to face facts.
Your reason to initially post this thread was just to slap us over educated guys and stir the flames.

That neutral buss bar temperature is a reflection of something hot behind you.

The 80 degree glass is your reflected temp, not the glass temp.

And the first thing you learn in thermography is that you do not try to scan solar loaded objects.

I can not fault you for not getting it right, because the spacial resolution of that camera is so bad it’s hard to tell anything that is going on, other than parts of the door is warmer than others.

As I said, turn off the MSX and you can’t even identify that your looking at a door. For example an adequate camera would have a sharp contrasting color at the edges of the door. A change in geometry causes a change in emissivity, thus a change of palette color. All you have there is blobs of color.

This is just a properly tuned 120 x 120 BCAM.

Yes and the standing water in the gutter, which I believe you are attempting to show, is if no real practical value… Simply tells me you are too lazy to pull out a ladder.
Information without any practical applied value is useless, much like that Level III certificate from an unaccredited training seminar that you overpaid for IMO.

“That neutral buss bar temperature is a reflection of something hot behind you”.


The bus bar is a great conductor of electricity and heat. To have a focal "hot"area as depicted in your image without directly having an wire attachment in the middle of the “hot” spot lends it to be a reflection. The thermal conduction properties of the buss bar alone disprove your theory . Now, there may be neutral line impedance at connections but that is not the cause of what is pictured in your image

Boy, you’re dumber than you look.:stuck_out_tongue:

I can’t help that you are hyper sensitive to reality there Linus.
You and Anderson must spend your time convincing your sustomers of your qualifications because personally I’m not selling anything here. Could care less what you think, in fact I haven’t seen you ever contribute to anything meaningful on these forums… oh wait, I do remember something about a picture of best Christmas wishes with your junk in display.
You are one sick SOB.
