FLORIDA legislation input needed

I will always fight the good fight. Because it is the profession I love and feel passionate about not because my real full time gig went south because I didn’t run my business the proper way and give clients a product they still want today so I had to find something I could use instead.

That is the difference between us. I like and love my profession and chose to be in it. I gave up a 100K+ job a year to do this, not because I failed at something else…big difference.

Hey… Is this helping getting your request out?

Good night Honey.

I’ll fight with you another time when I get the chance.

I will have a little time the next couple days if you want to play. I never work weekends so I may be able to get a squabble or two in with you. But then again maybe not.

Good luck trying to get rights you have not earned. I hope it helps you out :slight_smile:

Sleep well…see ya soon…

When will this love affair between you and the Meeker end. You should know by now that once his mind is made up you cannot convince him with facts. He will go to the ends of the earth to boast and protect his GC qualifications and use that as an excuse to invade another related profession. Do you think he would whine if Home Inspectors were able to do supervision of trades and build structures? Of course he would because he is a GC. Does a GC have to know anything about the trades he hires? Sure he does. But does he need to know enough to be able to do it himself? NO! Why? Because he is a generalist, just like a home inspector, but with more time spent getting the training required to be able to pick up a phone and ask for help because he cannot do the job required himself. Ask for help? Yes! Isn’t another way of looking at what hiring someone else to do what you are not able to do is? Yes, it is. So here we have a guy whining about home inspectors who is trained on picking up the phone and hiring a person to do a job that he cannot or will not do himself. Leave him alone. He is not interested in protecting our profession, all he wants to do is be able to ride roughshod over it and to hell with us. We are a thorn in his sideas far as he is concerned. Why is he a member of InterNACHI? Because of all the educational materials. Why does he need the materials, after all he is a GC is he not? He needs it because he never learned it as a GC. Leave the guy alone! You are wasting your time and energy on him. There are many GC’s who became inspectors and are wanting to enrich the profession, people like John Shishilla. Lets stick with people who want to enhance the profession and not worry about the parasites.

You are really wasting your time with Mike. You should know that. He wants what is best for Mike, and I have no problem with that.

As to the matter at hand, as was discussed at the meeting a few weeks ago, there needs to be a unified home inspector presence, one group to represent all Florida home inspectors.

Just call it Florida Home inspectors Club or whatever. I think we need to take the association names out of it as far as a “master” organization goes.

The FABI, ASHI, and NACHI guys could all start chapters. FABI could be the southeast chapter and so on.

Then, merged with NACHI resources, things could get done.There needs to be value before anyone is going to donate any money.

If I knew what a lobbyist does, I would be more than happy to do it for far less than 75K.

I think that several things need to be straightened out with regards to the licensing laws.
First: All inspections, home, insurance, etc. must be performed by a licensed home inspector.
If all of you contractors, architects, etc are so much smarter than us lowly home inspectors, it shouldn’t be too hard for you to do that, should it?
Licensed home inspectors are not allowed to perform work on homes that they inspect.
If you are a home inspector, that is what you are. If you are a contractor, go contract. (sorry Mike)
The SoP needs to be fixed and submitted.

Those are just three things. There are plenty more.

Your sample looks great Mike!:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Here is what a real one looks like: Sample

Here is another one that I found which I think is the best one I have seen: Windstorm

As for your sample home inspection report, does it say on your website that it is a sample and not real?
Regardless, you could at least make it accurate…or since “Phil” is predicting six more weeks of winter, are you expecting snow? I know we get a lot of harsh winters here in South Florida!:mrgreen:

Appeared to be inoperable?

What are those vents in the soffits for?

Just trying to help.

One other thing, do you know what the difference between good food and gourmet food is?

200 bucks for a home inspection, no wonder Mikey is whinning:D or is that homer?

I understand guys and thanks for the input.

I am afraid there will be no one unified front. I think that was the purpose of the council that is presently in place. Have they ever asked for your ideas or input? To me they are 5 guys running amok with no direction or leadership. I gave my money to the council and all they have done is watched people make laws and we try to get them off the books.

I am not trying to go renegade, but if the present system sucks, I will do what I can go make a difference. I will keep you informed and thanks for the input.

Here is the difference with the new lobbyist that is in the wings

They will take a free smaller than the present one and here is the catch, will get bonus’s based on goal accomplishment. Can you believe it …we give her a set of goals we want to see and if she accomplishes them, she gets more money.

What a concept, getting paid for performance…

It’s a sample…it never really happened!:mrgreen:

Who is this woman?

Nothing has been set in stone and it is not finalized. I do not want to give specifics out and as of right now did not ask for funds, I just asked for input.

I’ll start here with this fools drivel then continue with the rest.

You are the one who has invaded dumb a-s. Insurance inspections were only for the States most qualified to complete until folks like you became instant professionals.

Let me ask. What did you do before you became a home inspector. I am sure to become one you just clicked your heels 3 times while proclaiming loudly:

I am a home inspector, I am a home inspector,I am a home inspector.

Now that sure is some qualifications.

Okay, I can’t stand it anymore…the word is “drivel”, not dribble. I keep seeing people on here using the word dribble when they mean drivel.

Dribble is what you do if you can’t control your mouth and drool on yourself or don’t yet know how to shake it off and dribble n your skivvies…

I’ll start here with this fools drivel then continue with the rest.

You are the one who has invaded dumb a-s. Insurance inspections were only for the States most qualified to complete until folks like you became instant professionals. after reading this I immediately stopped reading the rest of your useless post.

Let me ask. What did you do before you became a home inspector. I am sure to become one you just clicked your heels 3 times while proclaiming loudly:

I am a home inspector, I am a home inspector,I am a home inspector.

Now that sure is some qualifications.

Sample. I do not handle even do them for 350. I hate them as they do not pay what I feel they are worth. Normally I quote 400 or more for a typical 3/2.

I do not even remember what was charged for that piece of crap.

Thank you for changing “dribble” to “drivel”…my work here is done.

Glad I could help.

I normally catch stuff when I proofread :slight_smile:

Many times I get so riled up that I just type and hit submit. Then I see all my errors. The cap button is my biggest enemy.

You would think after so many times of me saying I do not care what home inspectors think about my sample and me never changing it they would stop bringing it up. I do not care and will likely not change it.

**Wow!! Great soap opera between you and Russ!! Love it. Mike one thing I would say: You are a GC and a HI licensed by the State and nobody can take that away from you. So, why engage in a heated discussion in this forum. You make the call. You want to engage with Russ new idea or not? Why fighting a losing battle. **

**When you engage in the INACHI forum you are dealing with HI’s. So, why bring the GC credentials they already know you have and they do not. They know that you can be a HI but they cannot be a GC (simple). I have the same predicament here in the panhandle of Florida. There is nobody doing inspections in my area that have my credential. So, guess what, relax and let it be. There are lots of home inspectors in my area that got into the business to make a quick buck, folks with no knowledge, experience or education. Just figured out how to comply with the licensing requirements and got their license. Do I worry about them NO! In fact they help my business. **

As Engineer, HI and a former GC; I have nothing to worry about but, I do not go by diminishing other HI’s. Just do what you do best and let those that believe they are the Guru’s worry about themselves. If it does not work for you as a HI you can always be a GC. Enjoy the ride and enjoy your family. It is so funny that Russ mentioned that he left a 100K job to be a HI. Well, I just retired form a 150+K and I enjoy been a HI as well. It has to do with the fun and putting out a great product to our clients (SATISFACTION AND JOY). However, I am NOT JUST A HI but the best in my area. I do not compete with HI in my area. There is NO need for us to do so. My clients come to me because of my credentials period. However, one thing I really do; I put INACHI in the forefront because it is the world’s best HI association that exists!! Hands down and I am proud to be a member.

Mike stop the fight you will not win in this forum. You are already a winner so stay put brother! Just bring to this forum positive ideas to make this business the best it can be.



Great advice.


Russel is advocating going after another right I have earned and there are many HI’s that have my credentials that may be affected if his evil master plan goes into effect.

I just want all to know that if you have more than just a Home inspector license then make sure you do not contribute to those who wish to take away from you much more than they have and want to get the rest of the privileges that you have earned as well.

I would likely be a contributor to the many things I hear about here but hell that would just be stupid because a great many of those with only one license want the rest of our heads on their plates. They wish us to be only able to pick one way to make money.

I am sorry but it is our right as American Entrepreneurs to do all we are qualified and licensed to do and I cannot stand by and say nothing when I see people trying to take that away from myself and those like me. I am the only voice for those like me and I will be heard.

I would like to shout a big ole Marine shout out but I have not “EARNED” the right so I keep my mouth shut.

Please go back and read the first post. Please point out where I asked for any type of contribution. Please let me know where I asked for anything, but input.

Once again Mikey, you never contributed and never were, because you are what you will always be, a teet sucking parasite. It not your fault it is just your nature. You cannot make in in “contracting” so now you try something else and pretend what you have " a contracting license" qualifies you for other things.

I will say it again, it is two different professions. I do not want to become a contractor. I can make a nice living at being an inspector. But you never answered me should a Doctor in Physcology automatically qualify for a Home Inspector license. Its pretty hard to become a doctor, alot of schooling. Should they be grandfathered in to get a contractors license?

For some reason you take the effort and qualifications of ONE PROFESSION and try to make them fit another profession. Square pegs in round hole.

I have the ultimate proof that a contractors license does not qualify you to be a home inspection and it lies right on your website.

IT IS YOUR SAMPLE REPORT - It speaks for itself.
