Nick I do understand where you come. But even though you can have a licensed professional that may not be that qualified at that profession, a license is still somewhat of a qualification. You do have to meet certain requirements to obtain a license, without a license there are no requirements whatsoever.
I am on a lot of forums and have to tell you that the only profession that doesnt look at their license as a qualification is the HI. It is also the only profession that bashes the GC as well…
Preston - I truely think we do not view it as a qualification is because LOOK at what it takes to get into it!
$239 with a free year of INACHI.
I think if it had a real “REQUIREMENT” then it would be viewed as a requirement! The reason everyone else brags about their license is because it ACTAULLY took something to get a license!
Do you not agree someone who has NEVER used a hammer, level, blueprints, tape measure and has never stepped on a construction site should be a General Contractor? This is where we are at.
Let me ask you…how well would we be received if it took us $239 and a rigged test to become General Contractors and we went on a General Contractor message board and claimed due to our Home Insepctor licensed we are qualified to build skyscrapers? Just put the show on the other foot. No agreeing with the bashing, just trying to give you a different perspective.
I am sure other professions went through simular struggles with grandfathering. In a couple of years some of the newbies will drop of, others will become great inspectors, and others will be crappy inspectors. Hell Some of the guys that have been inspecting for 20 years are crappy inspectors. Not passing licensing inst the answer. It will mean something after the renewal in 2012
Had you attended Friday’s meeting you would be aware that extending the grandfathering provisions will stall any work on the rules making committee until 2012, which would render licensing an empty sham.
No… Now is the time to work together on repealing home inspector licensing, especially when the government is in the mood to cut wasteful spending.
Russ, I completely understand and I am on your side, I am an inspector as we. I truly feel if we can push to close granfatherfing asap the it wont matter that much after awhile. You and I both know that we can easily market ourselves over the newbie inspector that went to AAA.
On another note, we have been doing your system on our larger inspections and I agree, the only way to do it.
The real problem with licensing is psychological. A license does two horrible things at once:
It gives the consumer a false sense of security about every licensed inspector and tricks the consumer into thinking that every licensed inspector is equally qualified, when in fact, some licensed inspectors are not qualified at all. Tricked by the state, the consumer fails to do his/her own research to find the best inspectors.
It gives the newly licensed inspector a false sense of competence and tricks the inspector into thinking that he possesses skill set sufficient to perform fee-paid inspections, when in fact, some licensed inspectors are not competent at all. Tricked by the state, the inspector begins marketing instead of studying.
When the consumer in #1 finds the inspector in #2, really horrible things happen that would not happen (as much) had there been no state-issued license, psychologically tricking both parties.
IMHO, the only licensing that might work well for both parties would be one with a very steep educational ramp up, similar to InterNACHI’s (see and where there is no deterrent for a new inspector to access these courses by mandating that they be conveniently available online, 24/7, and free (like InterNACHI’s).
Sure…the cost of the test is what about $100 per test. Right? Who gets this money? Santa Claus? Where do the checks go? Who cashes the checks and what account do they go into?
Zoe runs the show. Zoe takes the checks and zoe administers the tests…right?
Capacity: unlimited
Event Cost: $100.00
For InterNACHI members: $100.00
For Chapter members: $65.00
Service Master of Tampa
7840 Professional Place
Tampa, Fl 33637
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For more information or to confirm your registration, contact: Zoe Fackler
Full and closed as of 2-17-2011
11:54 am
Florida InterNACHI Proctored exam
For Home Inspector and Mold Assessor
For Tampa and adjacent areas
February 19th 2011
Check in begins at 1:00 pm
Exam session will close at 4:00 pm
Exam location
Service Master of Tampa
7840 Professional Place
Tampa, Fl 33637
Exam fee is $100.00
Florida InterNACHI member fee is $65.00
YYou MUST bring your InterNACHI ID number and a valid Drivers license to the test site
For questions pertaining to this exam – please contact Zoe Fackler at 813-677-9287 or