Florida WDO solicitation concerns

Recently myself, spouse and employees have been getting multiple email notifications from a pest control company in Florida, latest contact being via the Internachi system. We have advised this company to stop notifications to our company as a whole, as we are not interested and this is our personal reason for that choice having been made:
If you are a FLORIDA home inspector and want to be certified to do your own WDO’s inhouse, in Florida, there is a process. **I recommend anyone thinking about this, to simply do their due diligence prior to signing up and taking the class. Florida doesn’t allow Home Inspectors to be certified to do WDO without other strings attached, (ie: being employee of licensed pest control company) regardless, period.
I felt the need to share this because it took me alot of researching to get the bottom line answer of doing WDO’s in Florida as a home inspector. Financially, I think its better to use those guys(pest tech) as a 3rd party vendor. Hope this helps anyone who is confused about this particular process in Florida specific.

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So what about licensed home inspectors who are also licensed and certified pest control contractors? Why would they hire a 3rd party? @mgoldenberg

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I know of many home inspectors who are also licensed termite contractors.
The law was created to stop others from doing termite inspections.
To become a licensed termite operator you also have the right to apply termiticides.

This is a serious consideration as you will then be responsible for safe application according not only to FL law, but to the EPA, where as we say, “the label is the law” (meaning chemicals/directions/precautions, etc.).

The “hoops to jump thru” mentality is sour grapes.
The law (chapter 482) has been around for many, many decades.
A home inspector wants the right to do WDO inspections for the revenue.
The license is way more than that & thank God it will never change. :cowboy_hat_face:

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Here’s part of the EPA reg label for Termidor.
You need more knowledge that just looking for WDO’s to be licensed… … …

Active Ingredient Fipronil 9.1%
Target pests Termites, Carpenter Ants, Crazy Ants, Argentine Ants and other ant species including crazy rasberry ants (please see the label). Also labeled as an outside perimeter pest control treatment only for the following pests: Asian Beetles, Boxelder Bugs, Pill Bugs, Centipedes, Cockroaches (Australian, Oriental, Smokey Brown), Crickets, Earwigs, Cluster Flies, Millipedes, Silverfish, Spiders, Brown Dog Ticks, Paper Wasps, and Yellow Jackets
* Note: Termidor is Not a Knockdown insecticide for Wasps and Yellow Jackets
For use in Outdoor Use Only

Indoor Spraying is Limited to Spot Treatments for Live Termite Infestations
*** Can NOT be Used Indoors for Ant or Insect Control**

  • See label for complete application instructions|
    |Application|Termite control: 0.80 oz. per gallon of water
    Termite Control, 20 oz. will make 25 Gallons of Solution and will Treat 60 Lineal Feet of Trenching
    Termite Pre-Treatment: Use 1 gallon of finished solution per 10 sq. ft.

Ant & General Insect Control for the Outside Perimeter:
Use 0.80 oz per gallon of water
Each 20 oz. bottle will make 24 Gallons of Solution and will Treat 16,600 sq. ft.

  • Will Need to Use 1.5 gallons of solution per 1,000 sq. ft.
  • See label for complete application instructions
    FOR CALIFORNIA APPLICATION, see bottom description|
    |Pet safe|Yes, when used as directed on label
  • Termidor is Safe around Dogs & Cats When Used OUTSIDE Only
    *** Do Not Use Termidor Directly On Pets**|
    |Yield|For Termite Control, each 20 oz bottle will make 25 gallons of solution and treats 60 lineal feet of trenching. For termite pre-treat use 1 gallon of finished solution per 10 sq. ft.|
    |Formulation|Professional Product
    Group 2B Insecticide|
    CT, IN, NY, VT - Restricted to Commercial Applicators Only.|
    |Special Features|Non-Repellent and the Most Used Termite Control Termiticide by Professionals|
    |Time to Kill|May take up to 90 days to Kill Termites Depending on the Colony Size|
    |Shipping Weight|1.60 lbs|
    |**Manufacturer [BASF] Mfg. Number: 59021467)
    |EPA Registration|7969-210|
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Doing my CEU for license renewal

Regulatory Update
Section 5E-14.142 was amended to note the revision of forms FDACS-13000, FDACS-13645, and FDACS-13605. The Fumigation Log form FDACS-13000 was amended to include the name of the individual who released the fumigant. Wood-Destroying Organisms Inspection Report FDACS-13645 was amended to include the phone number for the Bureau of Inspection and Incident Response in the footer (to hopefully reduce the number of phone calls the Bureau receives on these forms). The Pest Control Business License Application FDACS-13605 was amended to add the submission of a Federal Employer Tax Identification Number and an email address. 5E-14.142(9)(d) was incorporated by reference and required the submission of the Application for Pest Control Employee-Identification Card FDACS-13606 with each original or renewal business license application, or any business license change or within 30 days of employment of that employee.

We are only dealing with the 13645 form in this discussion. As stated above, the form is identical except the Department removed it’s standardized contact number from the top of the form and placed it in the footer in hopes of reducing the number of phone calls that the office receives as people always call that first number at the top.

So, in FL can you do both on the same house? Termite and home inspection? As long as the reporting is separate? (provided you are properly certified and licensed)

Absolutely yes.
I usually wear the hat of a licensed mold assessor, WDO inspector, home inspector when performing an inspection.
The WDO report is the last 2 pages of my home inspection report.

UGH! Having fun with Lyctids right now.

Females lay an average of 20 to 50 eggs in exposed areas of the tree or in milled lumber. The hatched larvae bore down the vessels of the wood, making straight tunnels. Later, the tunnels become irregular, intersecting other tunnels. The larvae remain in the wood until the following spring.


Hi Marc,

I know this is redundant but in FL it’s okay to contract WDO out to a local company correct?

You may not advertise a termite offering on your website wether its is contracted out and states so?

Can an inspector contract out or do WDO inspections in FL if also working as an employee for a pest control company, until they are able to test out?

Bump :us: :wink: :blush:

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Sure that’s fine. Best way is have them show when you’re there.
Their client will be the buyer but let them charge & collect the fee, not yourself for reduced liability.

You cannot hold yourself out to the public for termite/WDO inspections without a state business license in the termite category.
However… you can state on your website that you offer termite inspections -
just add something like by a licensed termite contractor.

I’m not sure exactly what you’re asking here.
One thing for sure, you cannot perform the inspection by simply
having an “I*D card” form a licensed operator. That’s called renting a license & the state goes crazy on the kind if illegal stuff.


Appreciate all the responses. Very helpful.