I inspected a home that the oil burner and the wood stove flues were vented into the same chimney. The flues seems to be almost straight across from one another.With the log stove on one side of the wall and the oil burner on the opposite side and the flues seemed to be directed toward each other. Should the exhaust on the wood stove exit be higher than the oil burners flue or not vented together at all?
I will be waiting on the side lines, to complete this report.
Thanks for any information
Danny I would write it up as in need of correction as you are not allowed to vent a wood stove and an oil burner into the same flue.
Thanks Gerry
I would like to put this in my report, were can I find that information
Danny It is a code issue based on safety, but I would not recommend quoting the code in your report, just recommend that the venting of those appliances be corrected by a licensed contractor.
I know things continue to change as more is learned but it** MAY** be allowed in some places if done with this configuration:
Hi to all,
Larry, I could stand to be corrected on this one, but I do not believe that that set up would be allowed anywhere in the US, maybe that picture applies (as many CD images do) to Canadian codes.
I do not believe it is allowed here any more . A long time ago yes.
Roy Cooke Sr
Hey guys,
I will throw this out there for comment:
The graphic Larry’s posted strikes me as confusing… Not for the mixed fuel sharing deal but why would anyone want a wood burning stove in a basement or area next to a fuel oil heater??:-k
That just confuses me… I can understand a wood burning stove in a living space like a big family room or similar since the concept is heat from the “cast iron” stove heating the room…right?
Now if I install a whole house heating system like a fuel oil burner heater in the basement… how can that (graphic text ) apply to this setup.:-k when I have to install it on the “same floor”…:ack:
Patrick, Not only did the customer place a log burner in the basement, but he had a log burner on the main floor as well.The flues for the log burner in the basement was two or three inches above the oil burner flue. What can I say it’s Alaska and maybe the home owner was worried that the electricity would fail and his water pipes would freeze. A few years ago the home was powered by a generater and is now on electricity, this guy didn’t trust that the power company is the only solution I can come up with.
Most homes I inspect have a log burner or a fire place,(winter can be very unforgiving at 70 below, not to mention almost $3.00 a gallon for heating oil),But I suggest a specialist check it out when I writing the report
Thanks for the input it has helped me with the report
Sometimes a wood stove is installed to be used as primary heat source with the oil funace as a back-up. (Wood can be much cheaper that oil to burn.)
The two systems are connected to the same ductwork.
And there is a proper way to do that, which I don’t see too often around here. These people don’t read manufacturer’s instructions at all…
I believe that is the case. Also note that the slide indicates wood/oil common venting can be done in some jurisdictions, which I take as it’s normally not allowed.
Using the latest IRC as a guide, they make it clear that a wood stove (solid fuel appliance) and oil furnace should not be vented together (M1801.12), and even a common vent for oil/gas must be for the same system type (M1801.11) …
Bottom line is I would also flag that install for further evaluation by a qualified HVAC contractor, and separation of venting for the two different types of appliances as required, using current industry construction standards as a guide.
JMO & 2-nickels …
Thanks for clarifying that Danny.
I can see it from a new perspective now.
Thanks Jae for your input also. It’s not often that I see that kind of setup.