Originally Posted By: kmcmahon This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Thanks for that…it’s helpful…I can’t find anything that says it cannot be in the same flue in our local regs (doesn’t mean it’s not there, just means I haven’t found it), but had an insurance agent ask if a home had a single or double flue for the oil/wood and said he doesn’t know any insurance company that allows that, so I’m just trying to learn a bit more and see if that’s something I need to be taking a second look at.
Originally Posted By: dandersen This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Venting more than one appliance into a common flue is still permitted in some states and localities. Multiple use of a single flue is dangerous, especially if a spark or burning soot or creosote has access to the house through an unused opening. Additional problems with fluctuating draft can be experienced if a wood stove and an oil or gas hot water heater are connected to the same flue. Back puffing could extinguish the pilot in the water heater causing, at the least, an inconvenience.