Originally Posted By: gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Dear Nick,
I have recently reviewed what NACHI offers and let me say I am very impressed. I've been in this business for nearly 20 years I am the Founder of and finishing the latest of four terms as President of the Kentucky Real Estate Inspection Association, Inc. (KREIA) as well as serving a term as Vice President of NAHI and in all my experience I have not seen a set-up like NACHI. NACHI really provides the individual inspector the tools they need to succeed. I've completed the Online Examination and faxed over my membership documents. I look forward to being part of NACHI and offer what ever assistance I can to the membership. Please let me know how we can get listed on Findaninspector.us.
Best Regards,
D. Michael Green, KCI, LHI, LPCO
Originally Posted By: mpatton This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
In support of your post and the new "KOI Chapter" here is his response for our first meeting November 7 in Ft. Mitchell, KY.
I and my wife Tara are planning on attending. I am new to NACHI but not to home inspection or associations. Let me know if I can help.
Michael Green
SWAT Termite & Pest Control
Lexington/Louisville/Ashland/Morehead KY
RSVP's are starting to come in, looking forward to seeing Michael, Tara and many others there. 
-- Michael Patton
AA Home Inspection
Serving Northern KY & Greater Cincinnati OH
Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Michael P.
KREIA's Michael Green has graciously offered to speak at http://www.nachi.org/KOIChapter.htm If it is OK with you I would like to hear him. His experience as President of KREIA, former VP of NAHI, and his work with KY legislatures will make for a good addition to the event.
Originally Posted By: dgreen1 This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Nick & Michael P,
I would be happy to say a few words at the meeting, I would like however to invite Mike Weeks KREIA's Legislative Committee Chairman to come and inform the group on the ongoing Legislative situation. He is the one is is involved in the ongoing negotiations concerning this matter.
I will speak with him and let you know...
-- Michael Green
Kaesar & Blair Advertising Specialties Dealer