Originally Posted By: ecrofutt This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
The Board of Directors of the Kentucky Real Estate Inspection Association (KREIA) voted to accept other associations, including NACHI’s, standards of practice.
The KREIA web site will soon be updated with the new KREIA Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics Statement.
Originally Posted By: dgreen1 This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
As KREIA President I again want to thank Erby for the work that he did on this subject. As I stated in an earlier post it was Erby’s clear thinking on the subject that allowed the Board to act in a manner that deals with the situation for NACHI and all other Association’s members. We as the KREIA Board welcome and look forward to having NACHI members participating in KREIA.
Originally Posted By: mpatton This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
My hat is of to those at KREIA involved in the SOP acceptance especially Erby and Michael Greene since both are NACHI members. 
You can also thank the KREIA Board for the acceptance of my membership, I am now a member of KREIA in addition to NACH!
-- Michael Patton
AA Home Inspection
Serving Northern KY & Greater Cincinnati OH
Originally Posted By: mpatton This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
The legislative meeting went well from my perspective. I do not know the exact number in attendance but it was around 75 people.
The Committee members led by Faith Greenwell ran the meeting, very effectively in an open forum that was truly "open". No questions were suppressed; all questions were addressed as well as the committee could respond, be it an answer or an explanation.
The resounding message that I herd was that if this legislation does not pass that other groups (realtors & home builders) will more than likely be pushing their legislation over the next sessions. The point here is either this passes with the HI input or next time around it may have little input from those of us it affects the most the Home Inspector!
If you have read the legislation what is your take on the content, it appears to be fair and not one sided toward any one interest outside of the HI. Also for further comment when asked who's SOP would be used or if it would be a "Kentucky" document they were quick to respond that it will be a "Kentucky" SOP.
Please respond accordingly if anyone has more to add to this or if I have misstated anything.
Also I hate to admit it but I do not know who from NACHI was in attendance, If you were there please respond here so we can get a head count for NACHI (if someone else was there include them in your response) 
On the other note about a joint meeting I need to get with KREIA and establish what the next "meeting" will be. The reason for this is that KREIA is having their "2004 Education Conference" scheduled for March 3rd - 6th.
I personally will not be attending due to a trip out of the country during this time frame.
I would like to organize another KOI Meeting for February with an open invite of course to the KREIA folks and all others, any input to this?
-- Michael Patton
AA Home Inspection
Serving Northern KY & Greater Cincinnati OH
Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I think we should have a KREIA/KOI Chapter meeting March 2nd. to make it logistically easy on traveling inspectors who want to catch some of both. I would like to attend both.
Originally Posted By: mpatton This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I vote to have it Thursday February 19th or Friday the 20th.
Two reasons for this, the first one being I will not be available from 2/26 through 3/8. The other I am selfish and wish to attend also!! 
I do understand trying to have it combined with the KREIA Annual Education Conference.
I do not know at this time if space or arrangements permit but would it be a good idea for NACHI to have a booth or sponsorship of some nature at the Education Conference?
I would also like to have it in Northern KY again to try and pull in the OH and IN Inspectors also.
Let me know if I am overruled.
-- Michael Patton
AA Home Inspection
Serving Northern KY & Greater Cincinnati OH
Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
You’re the boss. You pick when & where. My schedule is pretty tight though:
I'm at the Northern California Chapter meeting on Feb 14th.
I'm at the Southern California Chapter meeting on Feb 15th.
I'm at the Houston Chapter meeting on Feb 19th.
I'm at the Atlanta Chapter meeting on Feb 21st.
I can come any other time though. I'll be in KY a lot next month so maybe we'll hook up. I have to do something about Kentucky's new home inspection law...the "Dumbest Home Inspection Law in the Country." NAHI gets 2 seats on the licensing board in KY even though they only have 5 regular members in the whole state! The world's largest inspection association gets none. Smells fishy to me. I'm setting up an office near Waddy to start working on ousting this Gary Tapp. I'm funding the project myself. I hate to undermine a fellow Republican but he has to go.