Originally Posted By: Mark Anderson
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when basement walls are damproofed then imo and others, plz see 6th,7th parag`s
http://www.yodergroup.com/concrete.asp (and many more) what will be very important is what was used as backfill against the outside of the walls. Peastone/gravel from the footing-drain tiles all the way up to within several inches of grade is best as it takes the place of soils which can hold water and cause lateral & hydrostatic pressure against basement walls.
we have had to re-waterproof walls that were damproofed `n Delta membrane applied by builders as cracks can & did occur allowing water to enter, so while it is a bit of a pain it can be done. I`m Not saying the Delta membrane isn`t any good, just that protection boards and membranes etc cannot stop/prevent cracks from occurring in basement walls.
maybe discuss with Mr builder to 'extend guarantee' of all walls, that if any crack or seepage/leaks occur he will pay to correctly fix it from the outside. Thats the best i can do right now,it`s Early! 
imo, the claims made that dimpled sheeting/membrane applied to basement walls relieves/lessens/prevents hydrostatic & lateral pressure because of 'air gaps' is BS. Is it better than other membranes....sure. Might it provide an itty-bitty cushion....yeah maybe, but i refuse to give in to claims made as we have witnessed poured/blocks walls w/various prot. boards & membranes succumb to lateral `n hydrostatic pressure.
http://www.criteriumhomeinspection.com/articles/basewatr.html <--Marcel,these guys close to you?
"a water problem in an existing basement can only effectively be dealt with by: rewaterproofing the outside of foundation walls and/or upgrading the exterior foundation drainage system"
again, waterproofing the walls correctly AND hauling soil away `n backfilling w/peastone-gravel provides best results.
just below read where they say there are alternatives....'typically less expensive'. Yes, these inside systems should be less expensive but from many homeowners i`ve talked with and who showed me the estimates from many of these companies, they are NOT 'less expensive'.
scroll a lil further down where they say 'waterproofing that is claimed to be effective by injecting into the soil on the outside of the foundation is almost always....unsuccessful'.
a lil further down they F U M B L E !
preventing water from entering stone & block foundations can cause water to accumulate on the outside of walls,increasing pressure on the walls. The result can `n has been total failure of the wall.....next Para....the ? better? approach to control water is to Permit? the water to ENTER?  into an interior drainage system,guide it to a sump and pump it away.
What da......don`t they understand here? They say one thing and then turn around `n say something different. Peastone/Gravel!! Along the basement wall, from footing to near grade. It`s called, Drainage!
Are they saying to LEAVE this Pressure against the walls? You do that you WILL have yer Total failure of the wall. C`mon!