Free & Exclusive Online CE for Realtors cards

Hi Nick,

I have done 5 Realtor Luncheons in Mississippi since October and have given out over 100 of these cards so far.

When ever I do home inspection in Tennessee I give out the TN cards.

They are a great hit. On the next round let customize them to fit our needs, I will pay for the added cost. Just paying for the shipping is great. Thank you.

Realtors tell me they want exciting new courses. The Home Energy Efficiency does offer that. They said most classes are boring and they have to sit through them. Online is the way to go for them in my service area.

Anyway I hope you can get more classes soon to offer Realtor’s.

Thank you for all you do for me.

They are an awesome marketing tool for home inspectors:

Recommend keeping them with you when you perform your inspections. Each Realtor you meet give one to them. They really like the free offer.

Nick, Do you ever foresee these being offered in Georgia?

Yep, we keep getting approval in more and more states/provinces.