… provided they aren’t already an HG user.
Who wants it?
… provided they aren’t already an HG user.
Who wants it?
Thank you.
Dave Fetty
Naples Florida
Merry Christmas!
Tom Leahy
Arlington TX
Yes please - Thanks
Gabriel, are you already an HG user?
David Asselin
Burnaby, B.C
Thank you
Scott olenick
Holbrook ny
I’ll take it !
No I am not.
Then you win Gabriel. Nice win! Contact HG to claim. And Merry Christmas.
Thank you Nick.
Gabriel, You will love HG, best reporting software out there.
Gabriel, And then join the HG user group on Facebook here
Thanks Frank. I will do that.
Congrats Gabriel! Please go to www.HomeGauge.com and sign up as a home inspector (no charge) so you will be in the system and then you can email me that you have done so and I will set you up!
Thank you Shawn Staggs and Frank Rotte for welcoming a new user! You guys are awesome.
Also, for those of you that have posted above to try and win HG, email me as I will do something special for you if you are not a current HG user.
6 months free HG Subscription to try it all for free. Ho ho ho.
Wow, what a great deal, Russell you are awesome Folks do not pass this up.
Thank you