French Drain Access, ...guessing

I know I’ve posted a few images already of stuff I cannot identify, but this one I have no clue. I know all the downspouts on this side of the house went to underground drain pipe, but could not find where they terminated. I did see this whole near a couple of dog kennels on the same side of the house. It was covered with a plastic milk crate.

Looks like a drain basin. Should have a grate over top. Couldn’t tell from pic but usually there is an outlet pipe. Also have seen them in a series where there are inlet & outlet pipes.

Thanks for looking at this. I had found some images on line that looked similar and started leaning that way. However, I never did find anything that had that cross-member down inside.

Steve :stuck_out_tongue:

If you climb in try the bottle that says "Drink me " first.
Yeah agree with above with no further info.

I would stop guessing if i were you.
A home inspector verifies and recommends.

Figure of speech for the post only. It wasn’t addressed as a guess in the report. I was looking more or less to see who else had seen these things. By the time I had finished the original post I had discovered what it was I was looking at.

Possible access to perimeter drainage.
Sump or gravity basins.
The top of the soil grading. A PVC non-perforated stub out, clean out, with a cover.

NOTE: There maybe hundreds of feet of under ground plumbing running under homes.
1: Footing perimeter drainage lines. The plumbing runsparallel at the lowest corner of the footing.
2: Under flooring slabs for exhausting the whole house gray and human/organic waste water.

Recommend: Determine the type of system/s is in place for exhausting the gray and waste water.
Observation: There are exterior & interior systems and including a combination of the two systems allied together when the water control system is defective or pour soil conditions recommend both systems be utilized.

Limitation: Certain types of water control systems have no perimeter drainage. The home sits atop 2 to 3 feet of aggregate.

Other whole house water control systems discharges ground water directly above grade, usually behind the home.

A home should be built atop a swale. Mother Nature, that wise old soul allows Sir Issac Newton’s gravity to do the rest.:wink:

Best of luck.

PS: That image looks like a “** lot water control under ground PVC pipe connection basin**” For lot water management.

Water management is used when water control is defective, deficient of non existent due to the homes placement on the property.