Originally Posted By: Aimee Jalowsky This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Can’t tell you that, too afraid to ‘Mess with Texas’. Drove through more than once, between the ice storms, tornados, and speeding tickets, I’ve learned my lesson.
Originally Posted By: mboyett This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
ajalowsky wrote:
Drove through more than once, between the ice storms, tornados, and speeding tickets, I've learned my lesson. 
That must have been the panhandle area and we don't always even acknowledge that area as part of Texas. Don't give up on us all just yet, some areas and inhabitants here have redeeming qualities.
Originally Posted By: rcooke This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
ajalowsky wrote:
Will my pipes freeze at -5 at 5pm? What do I do... besides burn lots of wood and keep my propane heater going!!!   
Yes your pipes could feeze Turn on a tap slow and leave it run.
Running your water constant should stop the pipes from freezing.
The water will be at aprox the year round temp for your area about 50 degrees.
You can shut the water off next April it should be OK then .
You can also put a heat cable on the pipes where they are close to the outside and might freeze cost little for the peace of mind.
Is it your home or do you rent .
Originally Posted By: lkage This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
mboyett wrote:
I want to know the physics behind the answer....Aimee, please explain the dynamics of this.
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