Originally Posted By: ecrofutt
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You changed your reporting requirements based on looking at a height "recommendation" on a box of a manufacturer that doesn't comply with Federal Law ![icon_question.gif](upload://t2zemjDOQRADd4xSC3xOot86t0m.gif) ![icon_question.gif](upload://t2zemjDOQRADd4xSC3xOot86t0m.gif) ![icon_question.gif](upload://t2zemjDOQRADd4xSC3xOot86t0m.gif)
Federal Law "requires" photo electric sensors to sense an obstruction that is 6" high and 12" long. Kinda hohum legalese, but it is fairly clear on height. I don't know how one mounted at 8" can detect an obstruction that is six inches high. Lay a little kid down and measure how high their cchest is. Most of them ain't even close to 8".
1211.11 Requirements for photoelectric
(a) Normal operation test. (1) When installed
as described in ? 1211.10(a) (1)?
(4), a photoelectric sensor shall sense
an obstruction as described in paragraph
(a)(2) of this section that is to be
placed on the floor at three points over
the width of the door opening, at distances
of 1 foot (305 mm) from each end
and the midpoint.
(2) The obstruction noted in paragraph
(a)(1) of this section shall consist
of a white vertical surface 6 inches (152
mm) high by 12 inches (305 mm) long.
The obstruction is to be centered under
the door perpendicular to the plane of
the door when in the closed position.
You might want to reconsider what references you use to change your reporting requirements.
Erby Crofutt
B4U Close Home Inspections
Georgetown, Kentucky