Gas line in air return

Inspecting a basement I seen a gas line was tee’d off from steel to copper. I followed the copper and it went into the cold air return to another part of the house AND there is also no buffer between steel and copper. I am so glad these people wanted an inspection


Nice catch: Don’t know what state u live in but in mine {Okla} Natural gas is not allowed in a copper line LP only for copper. Gas lines of any kind are never allowed in a return or supply air duct. BTW my first post since I retired. Hello to my old friends that are still hanging around this board.


In a return it’s unlikely to ever be a problem but it’s kind of a hack job. I can’t imagine any pro doing that.

In my area LNG is allowed in copper or steel but must be labeled where it’s outside the room of the appliance it serves, presumably to prevent mistaking it for a water pipe.

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The fishing master lives!!! :cowboy_hat_face:
Good chatting with you the other day. Too hot to fish so your hanging out here?!

Ya got that right Dave it was 112 degrees yesterday its only 105 today sure glad I don’t do attics anymore. I have mostly been in the lake up to my chin. Good talking to you lets stay in touch.

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