Gas Line to fireplace

Unsure as I havent seen it done like this before.
Is this allowed?

The pipe in the first picture is the electrical service

No. Needs a sleeve.

Check for bonding from the gas meter to the main panel or electrode.

Depends on who makes it. Some require anything below 6 ft to be in a protective cover. I have also read another manufacturer does not even allow it on the outside.

They all require a sleeve if installed per the pic. :smiley:

Correct, and the radius in the sideways picture looks too tight.

Sorry but what is the material?
Looks like painted garden hose to me.

Does not look at all like csst so please tell me what you guys are seeing.


It’s OK Bob… Loose your glases?

Hey I very well know what csst looks like and yes it needs physical protection along with bonding but I swear that looks like a loose covering on the material to me.
Must be just paint.
Fine go that way.:slight_smile: