Is this gas line connection acceptable?
I would say that the flex line shown is an equipment/appliance connector and not allowed for the use shown. Also if the shown connector has compression ends on it the use of pipe dope is a big no no.
…and the insulation is installed upside down.
Yes, there are other issues with this crawlspace. Just looking for confirmation on the improper gas connections.
…yes, improper.
not correct application for that connector.
cannot be used under a home unless there is an appliance to connect to
not acceptable to me…
It looks like a steel-braided rubber hose. If so, it’s not allowed for use with gas - period.
There are cases where appliance connectors can be used in crawl spaces (even without appliances being present), but this is not one of them.
I agree. Normally seen at toilets, not in crawl spaces.
Even if the existing flex connector is rated for gas usage, and I doubt it is, the application would not pass in my part of the country.
Thanks for all of the input. I called this out as a safety issue with immediate replacement. The use of CSST is acceptable.
Jeff when are they acceptable? I am curious. Where I am located it doesn’t fly no matter what. Wardflex maybe but not gas appliance connectors.
Manufactured homes.
HUD guidelines for manufactured homes allows the use of flexible connectors to join the two-halves of the home together. However, as I said before, the one in the original post is not acceptable for any type of gas-line installation.
Thanks Jeff.