Inspecting a home today I found a gas cook-top unit that was installed in an island in the middle of the kitchen (replacing an electric unit I believe). There is probably 5 to 6 feet clearance to the ceiling, but the buyer is worried that there is no vent. I’m pretty sure one is not required, but I was hoping to get some feedback from someone who knew for sure.
What I say, whether gas or electric: “No range hood or exhaust system was provided for the kitchen appliance cooking surface. Although not required, we and the manufacturers of most cooking appliances recommend it.”
Your statement that “the buyer is worried” means that you should not guess your way through this or assume anything. If there is a local code governing this, refer to it and recommend that your client do a permit research (to include the building permit) to ensure that the local codes were applied. Avoid making any statement that it does or does not “meet code”. With the code book in front of you, you have a 50/50 chance of being right, at best.
If there is no codes governing it, make your recommendation based upon safety and protection to the property.
I had this exact scenario on Tuesday mornings inspection. I wrote a comment about it stating that it would be best to vent it to the exterior but if that is not possible, that they should at the very least install a CO monitor.