I am ready to take my class to become a home inspector in Ohio. There are several options for the class. Does anyone have a recommendation in Ohio? I would prefer to go in person rather than online but has anyone done the online classes?
Whatever you take you will have to pass the NHIE. If your more comfortable with classroom instruction then by all means that is what you should do.
Maryland required 72 hours of classroom training for those inspectors who weren’t grandfathered in when they passed licensing.
I was grandfathered in for my Ohio license, but I’ve done the online and in person classes for CEs only.
Both have their pros and cons, but for me, I personally prefer online classes because I can go at my own pace and do research from the comfort of my home. But in the end it’s whatever your comfortable with. Another option is, you could always do both.
I did as Kevin did, but online classes give you the opportunity to continue to work and take your online classes in the evenings for HI.
Good Luck!
Do both…you can’t get too much education. If you go in person, then supplement your education by taking InterNACHI’s online classes.
Where are you located Scott? You will need to arrange for inspections with someone already licensed.
I live in Upper Sandusky I am getting ready to take my 40 hour class with HITI in Columbus. I think they offer a peer review also. Is this what you are referring to?
Yup. That will work. Glad you have that included.